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Difficulty getting important information


Well-Known Member
I have a history of occasional instances where I forget to get important information. For example, I was contacted earlier this week via phone about an award ceremony at my city library at which I will be receiving an award for volunteer work. I didn't think to ask at what time of day the event was. I also have a history of forgetting what a person to whom to ask further questions about something looks like.
I do that too. I guess just in the moment my ability to communicate fails me and i'm so caught up trying to keep up with what's being said and what to say back that important stuff slips my mind. If its something expected that i'm initiating, like a phone call i need to make, i make a small list of things to ask about so i dont forget. Apart from that, i just end up calling back or, if thats not possible or i feel too embarrased to do so, i just wing it and use google to look it up if possible.

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