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Difficulty with touch


Well-Known Larrikin
I have this issue with touching people and people touching me, any soft physical contact at all drives me to the point of near wanting to claw my own skin off just to rid myself of the sensation (sometimes I even begin clawing). I'm not sure if it's a sensory thing or something else, but even my mother couldn't hold me as a baby because I would just lose it. It feels like spiders on skin to me, and I'm not quite sure what to do, as I'm sure you can see why such an issue could get a bit awkward... o_O
I hate people touching me too. When they do i have to 'rub it off'. I remember shying away from hugs as a kid and even today i find them awkward and uncomfortable.
However... i am very tactile. I love touching things for the sensation. Soft things mainly.
Is it the same for "firm" touches? Like with hugs, are you ok for firm, squeezy type hugs? It is sensory, and I know lots of people have difficulty with light touch but firm touch is fine
I have problems with light touch. Whereas I'm fine with with firm touch. It definitely is an Aspie thing.
I remember at school there was this one boy who had thick course hair on his arms, if he brushed lightly past me or stood too close than I would get a terrible pins and needles like pain or shocks. The teachers thought I was crazy.
I used to work in a hospital and the patients used to request me for bandages, injections. Because apparently when I done it there was no pain?? I'm also told I'm good at doing hair /massages that sort of thing. I wonder if my touch on other people is somehow different??
I hate when people touch me especially light touches but firm touches bug me as well. Friends and coworkers all think I'm jumpy cause i immediately move from touch they don't understand its the way our brain works. Lol i don't even like hugging my family so it can get a little awkward. So for the most part i try my best to push down or ignore my feelings my brain goes a little crazy at that point then i just try to have a moment to myself to regroup and do what i can to calm down. I think the key to asperger's is finding your own method to calm yourself quick bouts of mediation tend to help me some but its always a struggle. I hope you find your own method of calming your mind.
Any touch that is unexpected freaks me out even if it is just a quick brush against someone however i'm okay with predictable touching, I can prepare for like hand shaking.
Is it the same for "firm" touches? Like with hugs, are you ok for firm, squeezy type hugs? It is sensory, and I know lots of people have difficulty with light touch but firm touch is fine
It is not the same for firm touch, I can take a punch to the face with no problem or even seriously injure myself and not really take much notice of it. I managed to finish a bike race after tearing my arm to shreds once, the guys at the ambulance after the race thought I was crazy, tore all the way down to the bone and I didn't seem to mind. What a useless skill...
I can't stand being touched lightly but I love being hugged and cuddled (that depends on the person though).

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