Augh... socialising. It has never, ever been easy for me. I think I have all but given up on real life friendships so the following is in relation to online ones. I definitely dig my own grave, almost exactly how you describe, Sev, with some changes for online contacts, but the only difference with me is that I genuinely want to have close friendships, I love the comfort, the security, the companionship but it seems like whenever I get close to someone, my aspie traits happen more or are more obnoxious because I'm more comfortable with the person, and so more of my real personality comes out, or whatever, and then things crash and burn. Like, stuttering in person is analogous, say, to having delayed reactions online, typing something than realizing anytime from a few seconds to a few hours that it didn't quite come out right. Sure do loves me that edit function.
And this is past the point where my general weirdness has been overcome and they've given me a 'chance' so to speak. That sifts a lot of people out of the running to begin with. Those that are left, well. It is not easy. I am so freaking confused at this point. I get feedback and every single problem they accuse me of is something that is a rock solid aspie trait, and therefore something over which I have little to no control. My brain wiring...
My friendships are only smooth when I'm not really being myself, but the expectation of who I think they want me to be (which I don't even realize that I do, a lot of the time, so deep is that 'mirroring'). I am at a stage in life where I am tired of that and I just want to be who I am. I am an introvert but I do get lonely and companionship is so wonderful. Even if you're not really saying anything, working on different things, but you're just -there- and check in every so often with each other. So I'd like to have that again at some point in life.
I often wonder if this will ever change, and I sure hope so. But I'd be lying if I said that I had high hopes. Even posting here I am a little shy but I have read a lot of posts here and I'd say there's a better chance of my fitting in here than pretty much every other place I've hung out lately.
Sev, I wonder if this might be the same for you as it is for me- if there was a group of people, friends, who would not react adversely to anything I could do, like, I had complete freedom to be/do/say anything at all, just act naturally for once, and I knew that, it was guaranteed. I bet it would make interacting socially so much easier and less stressful.