Hi everyone, have you ever tried to zone out of a dissociative state and felt confused or overwhelmed or even scared
Have you ever not want to come out of that state and stay in your own ideas and imagination.
Or even get locked in the past and daydreaming about it sometimes
I have had dissociation where I feel unreal or like on another planet or maybe not me.
It is scary, it is scary going through some of the stuff I do and I would not wish it on anyone.
I feel like not me...and like no matter how much I tell people what I really am it is not believed
And I know what I am and how much I have gained back talents or anything does not change it, I do not think I have changed essentially just evolved
I think I was always this from the day I was born maybe some aspects could have heightened a bit.
I think I am evolving each moment, I think to rely be me, I have to find some friends who like to have a bit of fun and have some adventure.
I discover things about me all the time like I do not like particularly to drink and I do not mind.
I think you can go out and have fun without it.
I am lonely though
And I want to go back and be a good aunt and thus is something I grieve and wish my niece was not so allergic to me and my issues and so traumatized because I enjoy giving her guidance and building her up. If I was well I would love to invite her over and take her to the movies and imagine if I could do that.
Then I would know I was healed and had achieved something amazing.
I wish she would talk to me but I would have to stop being such a mess and I am struggling.
It kind of does make me realize what parents with problems go through....
They may want to be there for their kids but cannot pull themselves together and then they are all grown up and those beautiful moments are gone.
This is off the track about disassociation however I have experienced it and identity problems but I feel like I know my identity but some stuff is tucked away, I am waiting for it back.