I'm no expert, professor, king myself. Though I can say that conditions, like those, affect people based on the person themselves. As far as differences between the conditions, I really cannot say.
Though what I can tell you, is that I likely have PTSD or cPTSD myself. Which evolved into psychosis. Then into schizophrenia.
From what I am figuring out. I have a emotional problem with getting in trouble and all it entails. Yet I do things that actively cause those things to happen. My main delusional fear being that I'll be yelled at, called names, and/or insulted for something said or an action I make. So I try to avoid much interaction, especially confrontational interactions, as much as possible. Keep conversations limited and minimal. And just hope for that best. Though I also have a issue with standing and staring, when overwhelmed/confused. The anxiety takes over and I don't know what to do.
I feel attacked, despite no one attacking me.
It's largely self-inflicted trama. Though the catalyst is my parents. I've created this lie in my head that everything is wrong if I am not in trouble and being yelled at. Trapped in turmoil. Like a cage. Or a hamster wheel.
I have not faced the reality, til now, that this thought process isn't normal. That it isn't reality.