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Do AUTISTIC ADULTS appear YOUNGER than their SAME AGE neurotypical peers?


Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member

I had been wondering if this is true?

It's just something I had learned from another autistic YouTube influencer as he posted this in a form of a "YouTube SHORT" and I decided to upload my own version of this video in order to shed some light if it is true that autistic adults appear younger than their same age neurotypical peers.

Here's that video for those who don't like watching my YouTube videos
Well, I`m not officially tested, but I`m pretty sure I`m on the spectrum. Let's just say. I`m either broken or I`m autistic. Those are basically the two options.
So if I am autistic. I would break this rule because I look much older. Or atleast people always think I`m older based on behaviour. The beard, lowish voice and the age of my children does not really help either since most people these days in my country get their first child when they are 30. (I was 24 which I do not consider young myself)
Here's that video for those who don't like watching my YouTube videos
I just wanted to say that I have watched a few of your videos and I do enjoy them. I'm not normally one that watches a lot of videos because I struggle to hear voices but I like yours.

I can't speak for autistic people in general but I do fit the profile you describe, I've always looked much younger than I am. That doesn't really show in my current profile pic but does show in many others. Here's a pic of me aged 51, caught in the middle of ranting, if I shave I look much younger again.

Or atleast people always think I`m older based on behaviour. The beard, lowish voice and the age of my children does not really help either since most people these days in my country get their first child when they are 30. (I was 24 which I do not consider young myself)
You don't exactly look like an old fart in your profile pic, I think people are lying to you because they're jealous.
When I was young, I tended to have older friends, FWIW. From age 30 on, I've been told that I look younger. When I turned 55 I got a birthday cake with four candles on it, because they had just guessed at my decade. I tell people that I took a few years off.
I think that those on the spectrum tend to make better food choices throughout their lives. Less variety in what we eat might equal a more youthful appearance. I mean, how many Aspies put mayonnaise on EVERYTHING.
I think that those on the spectrum tend to make better food choices throughout their lives.
I think many of us will struggle to agree with that. I believe I eat healthily but pretty much 90% of the population of the planet will disagree with that. I don't mind a few vegetables here and there but there's no way known to man I'm going to sit there eating a bowl of rabbit food.
I tried gluten free for the last few months now I understand why people lose weight. there must be other proteins available that can substitute. billions of proteins Yes both my wife and I look younger than we are her in particular.
Let's not forget many Autistics may stay at home or indoors more (less radiation from the sun), and smile less and with less other regular expressions shown, so less aging and with fewer wrinkles. I am 57, but appear much younger, closer to thirties at most. And those who appear shyer or less confident may appear younger too, when put in context with the appearance.
I think many of us will struggle to agree with that. I believe I eat healthily but pretty much 90% of the population of the planet will disagree with that. I don't mind a few vegetables here and there but there's no way known to man I'm going to sit there eating a bowl of rabbit food.
I didn’t mean vegetables. I meant Cheerios.
I started losing my hair in my teens, and started going grey in my 30’s. I had to become a student of life early on, just to survive. And I always fit in better with folks much older than me. So…. I have always been told that I come off as a person roughly 10 years older than I am.
I think that those on the spectrum tend to make better food choices throughout their lives
As @Outdated said, this does not apply to me

I absolutely love unhealthy greasy food and if I were given the opportunity, my diet would consist of only unhealthy crunchy food and bacon cheeseburgers.

I do take care of what I eat for the most part but am not very good at eating fruits or vegetables, also, I'm a weird eater. Some days I overindulge and then some days I eat very little. Most of the days is the latter tho.

And I only drink water except for the weekends when I drink a litre of grapefruit soda but just one day.
I've been told I appear younger than I am, but also older until 20. It might be the diet, because my diet is crazy restrictive due to IBS issues. I also do a lot of sport. And sleep 9 hours a day on average.

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