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Do some neurotypcials talk more rationally than others

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Well-Known Member
So the experience of those on the spectrum is that neurotypcials are less clear thinkers and are often really illogical. Does anyone here find, however than even some people (seemingly) without autism, talk more rationally than others?
It'll never be as black & white as "us and them" and I think that mentality is pedalled a fair amount in the autism community and is reductive.

Everyone is unique and individual. As to whether someone is or isn't a clear thinker - you'd need to take into account a myriad of factors that would take a very long time to unravel. Upbringing, mental health, trauma, past experiences, social mask, social etiquette, situation, state of mind at the time of conversation.

It'd be lovely to have a simple answer, but nothing is ever usually that simple.

I think a lot of us on the spectrum have a tendency to overthink. So to claim NT's aren't clear thinkers is a bit of a pot/kettle situation.

Yes. Some neurotypical folks are great thinkers and doers; nothing wrong with that.

Being rational is a gift and a skill and like all gifts & skills some people are better at it than others.

Be careful thinking rationally; do it often enough & maybe you might find that NT's & autistic people are both still people. I get tired of these lazy posts of what is basically a hatred of neurotypical people. Y'all need to watch yourselves.
Just as being on the spectrum of Autism, there is a sort of spectrum of people who are not Autistic. If I think about it like personal hygiene it makes more sense to me. Some people are incredibly clean, some are unbelievably dirty. And there’s a zillion levels in between. And nobody seems to know that they stink.
It comes down to the individual and has little, if anything, to do with neurotype. Being ND doesn't disqualify one from being illogical and being NT doesn't make one illogical. To make a majority assumption without evidence of correlation to causation is not linear reasoning, it is assumptive bias based on neurotype.
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