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Do you accidentally encounter spoilers often?


Well-Known Member
I have a tendency to learn the ending of an event because of various websites I frequent (darn you Twitter) or if I'm trying to look up something relevant to the event.
I'm spoiling things for myself on purpose when it comes to "Big Brother". I have apps that keep me updated on the main events which can spoil things for me (they are actually called 'spoilers'), but I don't have time to watch the feeds 24 hrs a day. :rolleyes:
All the time, I am forever spoiling things like movie plots for myself (courtesy of the internet mostly), my mother is just as bad.
Nope... I don't run into them that much actually. Part of avoiding spoilers is avoiding social media for a bit.And I guess the people I follow on social media aren't as much into the stuff I'm in anyway (Facebook at least, I only use twitter for some mandatory tech support from service providers).

If I don't want something to be spoiled I'll just not look it up at all until I've watched it.

But then again, I'm probably disconnected enough that I can still watch tv shows from over a decade ago and not be spoiled since I didn't really pay attention when it was an actual thing.

If I were to be interested in a sporting event I'd either watch it live on tv or a livestream or watch it as soon as possible while avoiding places that would spoil the final outcome for me.

I think it has to do a bit with priorities as well. No spoilers for me sometimes means that I just have to get to it as soon as possible. Slacking off is my own fault.

Perhaps it's interesting to note that in the pre-internet days, Europe in general always was a bit behind. And even now still sometimes is with movies and shows. If I were to wait until they are in cinemas or on television I'm often 6 months behind on what people talk about online. Perhaps I've learned to grow up with looming spoilers a bit more and therefore I don't live in the "now" too much when it comes to contemporary popculture. Tv shows can often be grabbed from iTunes though, movies on the other hand take a while until they end up as downloads through such services; and clearly dvd/bluray releases take even longer. Plenty of movies end up in cinemas here when the US already had a dvd release.

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