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Do you experience "Tunnel Vision" being on the autism spectrum?

I am hyper-focus on what l don't want in my life and what l don't want around me right now.
Not interested in being social in general due to bad bad marriage and divorce. So l have an aversion to more things l feel. It's a learning process. I don't like people wasting my time.
I have the hyperfocus issue too where I tend to tune out my surroundings. One of the reasons why I need someone with me so I don't step out into traffic or walk off a cliff.
I had it really bad when I was younger. I still recall zoning out so intensely in the third grade that I didn't see anything in front of me, hear the teacher, etc. The teacher had to say my name several times and when I came out of it, I was surprised to find myself in the classroom, and not where I was imagining.

When I was intensely focused on something, I would be unaware of anyone talking to me. When I realized I was doing it (my early 20s), I created a "prerecorded message" ("I'm focusing on this right now. Give me a minute."). When I was focused on something and perceived that someone was trying to talk to me, I would say my prerecorded message and then finish what I was doing or mentally "put it away" so I could talk to the person.

I haven't hyper-focused like that in at least 20 years. I kind of miss the ability to tune everything else out and focus on one thing. Now it seems like I can't ever focus unless I have just the right amount of background noise or stimming going on.

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