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do you get alone with your own people?

do you get alone with your own people?

  • better than with other people

    Votes: 3 75.0%
  • the same as everyone

    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • i'd get alone better with someone from another country

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

alien girl

Well-Known Member
where are you from, and do you get alone with your own people? if not, why?

i'm from Israel, and find other Isrealies loud, bossy, reckless drivers, rude, short tempered, not loving animals enough, and making friends too easily, which intimidates me. they also get insulted if you wont accept their invitation to their houses. oh, i hate going to peoples' houses...
i find this question can be a little bit loaded. in america we do have a melting pot so do we decide on per our country, per our state or even just our own town. such as i live in a liberal state, Conservative county of the state, and a very liberal town inside of the county. i personally found atleast in my area, there isnt really any constant of how people act, all that being said my friends do seem to be a little farther from what is considered a more varied cultural norm and i get along great with people from other countries and cultures. :) one of my best friends is my cousin and aunt and uncle who are from Jordan. i am a true candian at heart even if i am american :p
where are you from, and do you get alone with your own people? if not, why?

I find it a bit difficult to process this question, too, because I'm an American. I live in a economically polarized city both with very poor and very rich people. There's only a small portion of the population that would fit in to a true definition of "middle class." I live amongst the very poor, which doesn't bother me so much, except it's a very ethnically diverse population, so I can't really compare apples with oranges. However, I certainly prefer some cultures over others. And, correct me if I'm wrong, but you might be asking, "Do you get along with people of your own culture," which would mean those who are affected by the same social and moral upbringing you had.

Now, if this is the case, I can say I do get along better with my own people. Those people would be typical white American culture the likes of which you would have seen on Leave It to Beaver back in the 50's. That's kind of a fantastical version of it, but the culture is based on similar ideas. It's also a conservative ideology, and I do get along with conservatives better. One thing that stands out in my mind, though, is that when white conservative people go bad, they are the worst individuals to deal with because they have a sense of entitlement beyond any I've seen before. In my little diverse neighborhood, I've had more trouble with white trash neighbors than with people of any other culture. I can see why other ethnicities are prejudiced against whites if they've only come in contact with those kinds of people. It's a pity that the garbage of all cultures tend to define the culture as a whole. :(

... not loving animals enough ... they also get insulted if you wont accept their invitation to their houses. oh, i hate going to peoples' houses...

That would be very difficult to deal with. I can't get along with people who don't love animals and treat them well, and I don't like going over to other people's home either.
Who are my "own people" ? Beats me. I've felt socially alienated my entire life.

I've often been surrounded by many kinds of people. However that alone never made me feel like I was really a part of them in much of any way. Not to mention being raised in a variety of environments which involved everything from Jim Crow (American Apartheid) to multicultural, multiracial, and GLBT environments.

I can only conclude that for whatever reason (my autism?) that I seem to get along better with those who might be construed as being "different" more than those who would be the same in some way.
Who are my "own people" ? Beats me. I've felt socially alienated my entire life.

I've often been surrounded by many kinds of people. However that alone never made me feel like I was really a part of them in much of any way. Not to mention being raised in a variety of environments which involved everything from Jim Crow (American Apartheid) to multicultural, multiracial, and GLBT environments.

I can only conclude that for whatever reason (my autism?) that I seem to get along better with those who might be construed as being "different" more than those who would be the same in some way.

i also feel alienated all my life, and i get alone better with those who are different.
Another American. Alabama here! I get along best with people from the country, I prefer hicks and rednecks and farmers, but not the trashy ones. I'm a little techie, so I'm sure they find me quite odd, but I understand them and can find more common ground than I can with people from towns or cities or even out-of-state sometimes. Until they touch me. I hate being touched and country people seem to think they need the physical confirmation you're not a figment of their imagination because they are so blasted grabby! Especially in church... and especially by the people wearing the stoutest colognes and perfumes...
It's a bit hit-and-miss elsewhere.
If by "my own people" it would refer to the dutch... then I don't realy think I fit in. If I'm going more specific into socio-economics, I probably won't fit in either. Being on the fringes of the lower socio-economic side I can't really identify with these people either. Heck, I've tried a dutch autism forum a while ago and I couldn't even feel at home there.

I suppose in general one would also assume that I would not feel alone with people in general then. And that might not even be the case. I suppose I'm a bit like others here.

Every once in a while I'll end up within company where I feel less alienated, but less, still doesn't equal "not at all".
I, too, am not quite sure what "my own people" really means. My friends are all weirdos, black sheep among most of the population in my small rural area of Tennessee. I grew up almost completely isolated from the "local culture;" I went to a fairly progressive private school, my parents both have white-collar jobs, and my whole life I've been surrounded by artist-types and intellectual-types and somehow I've lucked out in finding them and keeping them near and dear to me.

What I've found is, you'd be surprised at the variations among people even within just one subset of the population. I've had conversations with rednecks at bars where it turns out that we are both very tech-savvy, someone who seems really "backwoods" (this one guy I'm thinking of had a t-shirt that said "My alcohol blood content is too low", haha), and you wind up getting into conversation with them, and you find you share more in common than you would have thought. I had a long conversation with this person about computers...apparently he is very tech-savvy, and definitely quite the geek, but he seemed to blend into the local population almost seamlessly.

In short...I find it a complicated question, and I don't have a simple answer for it.
i am a true candian at heart even if i am american :p
This penguin swims in the Atlatnic Ocean from Nova Scotia, to Gulf of St Lawrence, up the St. Lawrence Seaway, though the Great Lakes until he arrives at Lake Michigan and arrives in Illinois. This Canadian penguin ask, what do you mean by your comment?
I've only really gotten to know Canadians, Americans, and a few Aussies and English. There are hundreds of nationalities yet to know. I guess I'll have to travel more to answer this question.
To me, "my own people" actually refers to Aspies. I don't care what a person's nationality is, nor do I care about their skin color or religion.
So long as a person is nice and doesn't hurt me or the few people I care about then thats ok.
Aspies are my people. They are not a race, nor a colour or religion, but they are beautifully awesome :cool:

I agree, I live in America and many places are incredibly diverse, I've had friends who were born/from all over the world, and so it is a sort of culture based on almost all other cultures, too hard to define and pin point, so I would have to say that my people are two fold, my bother and sister aspies who understand, and anyone from anywhere who is respectful of life, the planet, others etc. just generally accepting people those are who I gravitate toward. The world has so much negativity already why would I want to add more, it just becomes useless suffering. I feel most at home with people who just let me be me.
"My people," U.S. sub-culture who think they are my people, no, I don't get along with them in my experience. I don't think that I have any real group of any kind to which I properly belong. Maybe five to ten people scattered across the Earth whom I'll never meet.
I have found that I can get along well with pretty much anybody. I tend to be a fairly pleasant, laid back person. I have all kinds of customers in my business. Although I have noticed that with other aspies I could talk all day long.

I'm from North Carolina in the USA and our area is a melting pot of Yankees, Southerners, Mexicans, Indians, Asians, rich people, poor people and a few others, but I can be likable towards them all. There are some people from the northern states who can come on as rude and arrogant at first but in most cases they are nice people when you get to know them.
Let me put it this way, if you give me a group of people to work I have no problem comuncating whatsoever but talking about private live:
A group with a lot of people will cause me isolation at least at the beggining, I tend to emphatize with few people and expand my circle little by little. It's like I have to do one to one work to connect with people.

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