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Do you get yelled at for going off-script?


Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member
Obviously NTs also script, they have all these standardised conversations that don't sound like they mean anything, but I guess they use it for social bonding or whatnot.

For my part, I don't have most of their scripts memorised, it feels like memorising the syllables to the Italian version of The Divine Comedy and I don't speak Italian. People get upset when I don't follow their scripts. (At least I stopped demanding that they follow mine when I was about six.)

Am I the only one?
I get strange looks, little digs and rejection but I don't care and do my own thing anyways, because I'll never get theirs.
I admire your not-caring. That stuff triggers my survival instincts, depending on the impact it has.
I don't enjoy scripting, but I'm really good at it. I can have the most stereotypical, cliche-riddled conversations ever, and people walk away with a smile saying "what a nice boy", and I go on with my life.

Although sometimes I use them when the context is wrong, and that can be embarrassing. I got digs at an old job because I used to say "hey, how're you?" every time I saw a workmate, even if it'd only been several minutes.

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