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Do you hate to sweat?


Rainbow Bird of Friendliness
I do. I hate it. I'm just recently thinking it might be a sensory issue related to AS. I'm a larger person so I get hot easily. I have AC on all the time and if I start sweating I just feel so gross and it's all I can think about. I just want to shower and change my clothes. If I'm a work I'm just miserable and unable to focus or get anything done.

If I'm at the gym or working out in a place where I know I can shower right after its not as bad but I still don't enjoy it.

Anyone else with this issue?
To be honest, I seem to be blessed in this area that I do not have this issue to contend with, but am sure, I would feel the same way, as you, if I did.

However, I suffer from hair that gets greasy fast and that makes me feel sick and really dirty, even if my body is clean. If I am unable to wash my hair, I put powder on it and that works pretty well.

Oh and I hate anything to do with ablutions!
I have always been able to deal with the cold better than the heat. If I get hot enough to sweat, I'm not feeling very good. In the last twenty years or so, I have had a issue with heat exhaustion. I've been hauled off to the hospital from a golf course twice in my life. So I would have to say, "no, I do not like to sweat".
I do. I hate it. I'm just recently thinking it might be a sensory issue related to AS. I'm a larger person so I get hot easily. I have AC on all the time and if I start sweating I just feel so gross and it's all I can think about. I just want to shower and change my clothes. If I'm a work I'm just miserable and unable to focus or get anything done.

If I'm at the gym or working out in a place where I know I can shower right after its not as bad but I still don't enjoy it.

Anyone else with this issue?

Yes. There is only one event I like to sweat during. Other than that, cannot stand it. Not even when exercising. Wait... Two areas. I enjoy it when playing golf, too, for some strange reason.
I love sweating when I'm doing activities that promote sweating but hate it when I'm in a group setting and soaking wet. I also hate having night sweats and waking up in a pool of sweat especially in the winter.
I can sympathize, because I seem to always be sweating, even when cold! And I hate it. I can never seem to be comfortable temperature-wise. Oddly, though, I seem to have the least problem with it when I am buried under blankets... But if I am upright and moving, which is most of the day, I am generally miserable. I haven't determined if it is anxiety or hormonal, or some combination thereof. I did read once that people with my maternal heritage (Italian) can have this problem in other climates...
I do. I hate it. I'm just recently thinking it might be a sensory issue related to AS. I'm a larger person so I get hot easily. I have AC on all the time and if I start sweating I just feel so gross and it's all I can think about. I just want to shower and change my clothes. If I'm a work I'm just miserable and unable to focus or get anything done.

If I'm at the gym or working out in a place where I know I can shower right after its not as bad but I still don't enjoy it.

Anyone else with this issue?

I do not often sweat, but when I do I despise it!
After many years of physical activity I've gotten used to it however, I don't enjoy it when I'm just sitting down. Exercise justifies it but its terrible if you're in a formal outfit and start sweating when around people because its so hot.
Yes, I hate to sweat, the wet feeling of clothes against my skin and the feeling of sweat rolling down my back.

If I get hot, I like to shower as soon as I can.
I do. I hate it. I'm just recently thinking it might be a sensory issue related to AS. I'm a larger person so I get hot easily. I have AC on all the time and if I start sweating I just feel so gross and it's all I can think about. I just want to shower and change my clothes. If I'm a work I'm just miserable and unable to focus or get anything done.

If I'm at the gym or working out in a place where I know I can shower right after its not as bad but I still don't enjoy it.

Anyone else with this issue?
I will avoid physical activities that I really enjoy like running and pilates (even sex) because being sweaty makes me feel gross. I’ve always assumed this is laziness because I find showering to be a chore, but I wonder if its more than that. My body prefers to feel clean so making it sweaty even if the activity would be enjoyable is almost not worth the grossness of sweating.
I have hyperhidrosis. I don't like sweating and it makes me feel gross and smelly but it's inevitable.
I understand it's a completely natural process but still crave a wash instantly after each and every time.

My stress/anxiety has been my shadow for such a long time some of my thought habits seem natural to me,
stress/anxiety sweats are sometimes the only way I know I'm stressed to hell and need to start calming myself.

Plus, there's the hot flashes associated with a menopause and the sweats that creates. Day or night.

I'm a bit of a sweaty mess, currently :)
I used to hate it until I forced myself to get through it over and over again. Now, I kind of like the feeling of getting really hot as long as I can cool off afterward, it feels like it really juices up my endorphins or something

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