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Do you think I have aspergers?


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone,

I'd like to start by saying I recently did the AQ test and scored 39. I didn't think about it for a while after, but then started reading about autism, particularly aspergers, and it sounded like I may have it.

Also, my mum told me a few years ago, that when I was a child a doctor said I may be autistic. However, it wasn't followed up. My mum is the kind of person who wouldn't want it followed up, she would want me to think I am normal so I can succeed. She pushed me a lot while growing up to succeed, because I was so odd that she was concerned about my future. Thanks to her pushing and nagging I am now studying a masters degree in information science. However, I am at a point in my life where I'd like to know if there is anything wrong.

Let me start by talking about my childhood. I had one good friend through all of primary school and high school. She made other friends, who in turn became my own friends. However, they always thought I was incredibly weird. I was bullied for being weird by others in school, but not nearly as much as I was bullied at home by two of my younger sisters. They, and the school bullies, liked to tell me I was slow.

I cried at least once a week in primary school, usually more. Stupid reasons. Even in high school I cried a lot. In one instance in year 10 I recall crying hysterically because I got litter duty. I cried for hours on end for several days. I suspect it may be a self defence mechanism because I don't know how to communicate what I want to say properly, but this is just speculation.

In school, I talked very little. I hated small talk. When it came to small talk I just didn't know what to say. My friends would talk to me and I would reply with some strange response, and they would think I was weird.

My friends from high school drifted away from me almost completely after about a year after I graduated. The necessity for them to hang around me was gone, and I didn't have the skill or will to maintain the relationships. It's been about 4 years of me having no friends now, and I must say it is rather lonely. I have a boyfriend, who is also rather weird. I live with him, and we have been together for over 4 years. But it's not the same as having friends you can talk to.

I am now in University. I can get past the basic 'hello, how are you' 'yea good how are you' point of conversation to the complaining about too many assignments stage. But then for some reason the conversation stops and there is awkward silence. Then they start talking to someone else, who they talk with much longer for.

My non-verbal language, from my standpoint, is fairly non-existent. My eye contact... well, I have no idea. I may be doing too little, or I may be doing too much. I think that it?s usually one or the other.
I don?t really know if this has anything to do with it, but I have a really odd voice. People have told me I sound very childish, and some people have trouble understanding me. I often stumble over my words and sound rather awkward.

I have an inability to become interested in things. I have one interest that dominates my life ? anime. I love collecting it, arranging it, sorting it by date or genre, watching it, discussing it... If I?m with someone I know likes anime, including my boyfriend, I will attempt to change the topic so I can discuss anime instead. It?s the only interest I really have. This interest is rather narrow, only in the anime itself and not really in the merchandise, the manga, the games, etc, like most people who like anime get into. Growing up, I had an interest in cats. I would collect figures, toys, information... but that interest practically went away after my new interest in anime arose.

I can spend hours on end arranging things. Mostly the files on my computer. It can be rather time consuming when I really get into it.
Emotions wise... I always disliked it when one of my friends got upset. Luckily my other friends would hug them and make them feel better, but I would always stand aside wondering what, if anything, I should do. I find that I am ?uncaring? of people?s emotions in general, though I can sympathise with unfortunate events I see on the news, and with TV and anime characters. I sometimes say rude things without realising they are rude, and then people are very offended. After they get offended I can usually understand why what I said could be seen as rude.

I do a lot of repetitive things. Such as fiddling with labels on things until I have destroyed them. Often I don?t notice I am doing this. Or arranging my things for hours on end.
I have no problem with my imagination. In fact, I think I have an overactive imagination.
Thanks everyone, and feel free to ask me questions!
Any feedback would be appreciated :)

Extra notes: I score way above average at reading facial expressions on tests XD
You definitely sound like you're on the spectrum. If you want you can find various books on PDDs (Pervasive Developmental Disorders) and read up on them. If you want an official diagnosis, you can go through with getting one, but I personally lack trust in the mental health system and no longer deal with mental health "professionals".
Thanks for your reply :)

That's what I thought... my Uni has a surprisingly low number of books on PDD's, which is surprising because I'm pretty sure they do psychology. I might take a trip to the state library after my exam which is in 2 weeks. They would have a fair selection.

I can't really afford a diagnosis at the moment. I have a free counselor via my University I can go to. I'll probably go see them after my exam. I'm quite a bit nervous about talking to someone about it in person, though. I love the Internet, talking is so much easier here, haha...

I'll add a few things I remembered about myself now that might be important. My hand eye coordination is terrible for some things. I see someone do a movement so many times and it takes ages for me to copy them properly. I can see what they're doing I just seem to do it myself. They show me what to do, and I understand. Then when I try to do it I forget what they've just shown me and get confused. This can happen heaps of times before I can do a movement. Usually its the more 'complicated movements' like in karate she would tell us to punch, kick, block, or whatever in that order. I get what I am supposed to do but I usually stuff up. I'm also really bad at fitness exercises where people copy the movement of the instructor. People get really frustrated with me and think that I'm not trying. When I was learning how to drive, the instructor was trying to teach me how to do a U-turn. But even though she kept telling me what to do with my hands I couldn't get it for ages. She got quite frustrated with me. Then I started crying because I was also frustrated and didn't know what to say.
I would think you do based on description...plus, I heard or read somewhere that IF someone thinks they have Asperger's it is more than likely that they do...it seems that since you know better how you think and your own history, most people are actually better judges of themselves than a professional examination...I also read, that high functioning adult Aspies can perform near neurotypical levels on most of the current tests and require a family history for an accurate diagnosis.

The thing that focused my attention to Asperger's was that I use to watch mouths and when someone would ask me, I honestly could not recall anyone's eye color. So even though most people think I have appropriate eye contact, I never "really" look at their eyes. I never knew this was abnormal until I saw a TV special on Asperger's and then started asking around and researching and sure enough it seemed I had it, confirmed by my psychologist but not officially given a diagnosis because it could have been detrimental to my insurance (increased rates).
Hmm, thanks :)

I've decided I will definitely go see the counselor at my University. Cos it's free XD Most of them have degrees in psychology. After my exam, though, which is on November 16.

Problem is, I remember basically nothing about my childhood before year 7 (12 years of age). And I don't really want to get my parents involved o_O So diagnosis would be difficult I would imagine. The only things I remember about my childhood are the embarrassing things, like climbing to high on the play equipment and crying because I couldn't come down, and accidentally going to the class I'd attended the previous year at the start of every new year XD
I'm exploring the idea that I might be an Aspie also. From what you write about yorself, I would say it's quite possible, many of the behaviors you mentioned are considered common traits of people with AS. I don't think anyone ever suggested to my parents I may be Autistic,(this would have been in the mid '70s) but I remember reading somewhere as a teen about Autism and thinking it sounded kind of like me, except I didn't fit all the traits. Then when I first heard about Asperger's a few years ago, I instantly related to what was being said, I just didn't want to deal with it. I wish I could ask my parents a bunch of stuff, but I'm not comfortable with that right now.
Yeah,you sound pretty similar to me. I scored a 32 I think on the aspergers test,which means possible/probably aspie. But I think that was because I have a love for being out in public and being around people.
LLaLla, you sound like you just might be. As for the PDD-NOS, that diagnosis is being eliminated entirely from the new DSM in May so reading up about it might be a waste of energy. Asperger's is being dissolved as an independent Dx & being blended into the Autism category. You might want to go get a Dx soon- before the chaos of the new DSM & all the confusion it brings as therapists the world over struggle to make sense of it & re-categorize patients they previously Dxed with these 2 conditions.
Great advice /comments here as usual, just wanted to point out that this post is from 2010 and the person concerned hasn't logged in since that year so they may not see this and respond.
Hi there

There is no doubt in my mind that you are aspie and help me to think: yep that is me! The trouble is because I am so literal, I do not look into what something says. So when the test says: can you imagine easily? I think of one area where I lack imagination and that is: on entering a building that needs renovation, I cannot see the end result, but once it gets going, I am full of ideas, but because I took the test so literally, I pressed no I do not have an imagination and actually, lol my husband is always complaining that I imagine an entire conversation between me and another and then when it does not pan out that way, I get very annoyed! I also admit to hating others disagreeing with me and do tend to think my opinion is the right one, ouch!

Oh friends? I always dreamed of being able to make friends and it is only now, in my middle 40's that I am beginning to learn what it all means. I had often the same reaction as you ie people would start a conversation with me, but I had no idea how to carry it on and even now, it takes a certain type of person, for me to relax with! I trip over my words and spit an awful lot, when trying to talk and get very red and HATE IT WITH A PASSION AND WOULD RATHER ESCAPE AND NEVER SEE A HUMAN BEING EVER!

Yep I do cope easily when ones start crying and honestly, if I am honest with myself, I am pretty disgusted with them for crying, but I push that aside, for I know it is a wrong emotion and then, really can train myself to cry and with that, empathy starts. The weird thing is that I am known for deep empathy, go figure that one lol

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