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Does anybody else do this?

Patrick Bushdiecker

Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member
Does anybody else , when you get super frustrated with something and you just want to swipe it out of your mind in a sense, or just erase it, wave your hand up and down as if you were breaking up or obscuring the thought / frustration out of your presence?
I probably have done something similar in the past.

I get quite animated when I'm frustrated.

Then I get told to calm down etc. and so guilt, frustration and bottling up emotions all get rolled into one.

I have tendency to deny things. Just completely dull those thoughts of frustration, even dull the feeling of being frustrated. But it will come back to bite me. So now l work on why l feel the way l do, and are there some steps l can take to diminish my frustration. Perhaps confront someone that my boundary was comprised, or what they said didn't make feel comfortable, or whatever else that l am trying to ignore but l shouldn't.
Does anybody else , when you get super frustrated with something and you just want to swipe it out of your mind in a sense, or just erase it, wave your hand up and down as if you were breaking up or obscuring the thought / frustration out of your presence?
It depends on how frustrated I get. If I really get frustrated, I tend to break things. I can't really recall during those moments...I do when I break something though. :)
I do this with recording music. If it's not working, I delete it entirely and start over. It's not that I can't edit, but it feels easier and better most times to just start over the whole creative process...but yes, I am doing head and hand motions the whole time before the physical act of actually deleting it in the computer. Brain computer gets the process of deletion, first?
Does anybody else , when you get super frustrated with something and you just want to swipe it out of your mind in a sense, or just erase it, wave your hand up and down as if you were breaking up or obscuring the thought / frustration out of your presence?
I understand this completely, but what I do is actually swipe my forehead or a shake my head violently as if I’m trying to shake the thoughts out.
I shake my head too exactly like you just said but I add a cartoonish sound effect, not being inappropriate but the motorboat sound. LOL and it just helps me to shake it out of My Head. Gosh I love you guys. It's good to know that you're not the only person that experiences these things.

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