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Does Anyone Else Stall, Mid Sentence?

Andy R

Well-Known Member
I do this a lot. I start a sentence with a clear idea of what I want to say. As I get to the middle of the sentence the next word is just gone... I stall and try to remember the word I want to say. At this point my sentence is usually finished for me by the person I am speaking to, which frustrates me immensely. Especially as they are usually wrong!
This happens to a lot of people after, 40 or so, especially aspies who are queuing up a complex chain of ideas in word from to precisely impart some large body information to some lucky soul.
Hmmm. I'm 40!!!!! :o

I can distract myself in answering someone to the point I don't remember what the original question was about....

And sometimes answering something is really frustrating because I know the answer, and the explanation as to why I know the answer is so involved and complex (explaining not thinking up the answer) that I get frustrated and angry having to dumb down myself into normal speak.

And, finally, a lot of the time I loose if if someone asks me something they could work out themselves if only they would think about it themselves.

Ah well, makes life interesting... ;)
Man, I'm glad it's not just me that does this!

Most of the time I think it's from nerves or stress. If I get put on the spot, all of a sudden I just can't remember words anymore, even if I know what I want to say and how to say it.

The worst is when I think I've been unclear, so I try and elaborate, but I don't know how else to explain my point. I'll either end up stalling, repeating myself, or spouting a bunch of nonsense in a last-ditch effort to communicate my crazy disjointed thought process.
I do this a lot. I start a sentence with a clear idea of what I want to say. As I get to the middle of the sentence the next word is just gone... I stall and try to remember the word I want to say. At this point my sentence is usually finished for me by the person I am speaking to, which frustrates me immensely. Especially as they are usually wrong!
I often freeze on a word and it is extremely frustrating. I do it when stressed and now, I do it a lot and I believe it is a part of aging. Because I choose my words carefully, I am upset to have to substitute words or come to a complete halt.
Usually happens to me when I got somthing really profound to say, or the winning angle, of an arguement. End result I look like an idiot, in what should be my moment of glory. People who interrupt me while im in the groove, are usually the ones responsible for this behaviour, especially if im passionate about it
All of the above. Sometimes it depends on how much resources I've devoted to expression. Others it's just simply trying to remember the word I had in my original thought but momentarily lost.

On the flip side when I'm riled sometimes I go trancelike. It appears either I've memorized a passage from somewhere or I'm super detailed and concise simultaneously. Last occurrence I remember was my teen years, many years ago
Usually happens to me when I got somthing really profound to say, or the winning angle, of an arguement. End result I look like an idiot, in what should be my moment of glory. People who interrupt me while im in the groove, are usually the ones responsible for this behaviour, especially if im passionate about it

Bet your wife's got the timing wired for that play, eh?
I feel brain and mouth have a communication break down mid way at times, mouth gets ahead of brain. like typing this out.:)
Another situation that causes me to lose my place and stall out when speaking is when, as I suspect many aspies are prone to do, I am trying to give an entire universe worth of context before saying what I really want to say. Because, you know, I wouldn't want to be misunderstood. So I try to preface my point so thoroughly, that not only do I forget where I was going, the poor listener becomes completely confused and bored.
I do this... I often have too many ideas im trying to get out at one time, and my mouth and brain are functioning at different speeds. I find interestingly enough that is why my handwriting is poor as well. I want to get a slew of thoughts out, but my hand or mouth cant keep up.

I dont consider myself a fast thinker, I can have a way of condensing ideas in my head and once they get out of my head they are alot bigger, kind of like a bag of vacuum sealed full of blankets. Once you break the seal and introduce the blankets back into the world they immediately expand, I think my ideas are more condensed in my brain, and when i try to get them out they take up more space and so my brain and mouth are firing at different speeds and i stop or sputter when they come out of my mouth or even on paper. Its kinda like an engine that has its piston timing off.

The blankets expand , because the vacuum bags contain a different atmospheric pressure. I guess you could say that my thoughts have a different atmospheric pressure once they are released.

That probably sounds like gibberish, but it makes sense to me. lol My brain and mouth no work good when speak.
I do this... I often have too many ideas im trying to get out at one time, and my mouth and brain are functioning at different speeds. I find interestingly enough that is why my handwriting is poor as well. I want to get a slew of thoughts out, but my hand or mouth cant keep up.

I dont consider myself a fast thinker, I can have a way of condensing ideas in my head and once they get out of my head they are alot bigger, kind of like a bag of vacuum sealed full of blankets. Once you break the seal and introduce the blankets back into the world they immediately expand, I think my ideas are more condensed in my brain, and when i try to get them out they take up more space and so my brain and mouth are firing at different speeds and i stop or sputter when they come out of my mouth or even on paper. Its kinda like an engine that has its piston timing off.

The blankets expand , because the vacuum bags contain a different atmospheric pressure. I guess you could say that my thoughts have a different atmospheric pressure once they are released.

That probably sounds like gibberish, but it makes sense to me. lol My brain and mouth no work good when speak.
That post even looked like it expanded when it hit atmosphere Galactic. Lol
I can have a way of condensing ideas in my head and once they get out of my head they are alot bigger, kind of like a bag of vacuum sealed full of blankets. Once you break the seal and introduce the blankets back into the world they immediately expand, I think my ideas are more condensed in my brain, and when i try to get them out they take up more space and so my brain and mouth are firing at different speeds and i stop or sputter when they come out of my mouth or even on paper. Its kinda like an engine that has its piston timing off.

This sounds like something I think about at times.

Watchout aspie weirdness ahead:

As in, we think by manipulating things, as symbols (sometimes words) representative of them, in our heads, and you use your own sort of internal shorthand to do your thinking. But, no one publishes anything in shorthand because very few people can read it. No one but you would be able to understand your personal, internal system of shorthand and substitution. So, to share your creations, you must expand the compressed thoughts you so adroitly manipulated when they were only between your ears? And expressing them is much much more work than drafting and finishing them.

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