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Does anyone else...


Well-Known Member
I was speaking to someone else with AS at school today, and basically we both get in and go straight upstairs and just curl up on our beds. Not to sleep, but just curl up. I dont know why I do it. I just do. But also, after any social situation, it seems we both go to sleep.

Because, isnt it listed as a possible symptom that social interaction tires us out ?

Well anyway. Yes. I did it again today. Just got in, curled up on my bed, and cried.

Meh :)
I go to sleep quite frequently at like 6 or w.e and then get up at 10... or sleep through the entire way.
I think that's just 'cause I like sleep though tbh.
I slept around 18 hours on Christmas eve and Christmas day(like, went to bed at like 6 on Christmas eve and then got up for an hour and then went back to sleep until like 1 or something o_O).
But idk if it's to do with socialising.
I rarely curl up in bed. I sometimes cry in bed when I'm really depressed(I go to bed when I'm depressed or REALLY bored) but I don't curl up.
This is totally new to me. I haven`t ever done that. I only sleep during night and lay on the bed when I`m planning to go to sleep.

And I don`t feel tired or anything after I have socialized with some people.
That is precisely what I'd do if I could. But my work is never done. :(
TBH I can get away with not much work or setting alarm for like 5 AM and doing it then or w.e, so I guess I'm sort of lucky.
If there's loads of work and I'm too exhausted to do anything I just say I'm ill tbh. Generally if I'm that exhausted I am ill anyway.
At school I also feel like falling asleep for the first two periods at least. Like I just woke up :(.
I miss feeling alert :(.
I can not sleep or lie in bed during the day (unless I'm sick), ever since I was little I figured naps were such a waste of time, I would waste time in other ways though.
Socialising is tiring, I definitely need some time alone with my own thoughts after I have been forced to socialise with people.

I'm more likely to lie down on the sofa in front of the TV in that situation though. But these days the TV is constantly tuned to Teletubbies or Mickey Mouse, so that isn't as much fun.
Socialising is definitely tiring. If I have a couple of days where I have had to socialize a lot, I often don't talk to anyone for a day, or go for a long walk so that I can think about things.
Yes, I have been known to do this. Even just going out shopping or something, I come home and feel pretty bewildered and although, not now, I would go to bed and curl u, into a little ball and sometimes cry, who naturally, confused my husband!
This is fairly usual for Aspies!
When I over socialise I need time alone.. I stim, zone out, watch TV.. but hide from everyone; I don't answer the door and even answering texts is an effort.. but I can lurk on AC and even answer a few posts.. seems different here, somehow :)
I remember a phase during my childhood I would go to my bed just to lie there and daydream. Usually following a lot of alone time, kind of like it was a dessert.

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