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Does anyone here watch hockey?

Both of you are coming off to me as being heartless but I 'm choosing to see beyond that and believing in the best of you. I'm the kind of person who takes a long time to warm up to most people and just when I was loving Price, he gets injured. I have moved onto the new goalie and I think he's doing a fabulous job.
By the way I am out West and I care because I care about Price. That was a nasty set of skates he took to the tummy at how many kms per hour? I really felt for him.
Who's for L.A. and who's for Chicago? I'm for L. A. but I'll be okay if it's Chicago too. Whereas I'm really hoping Montreal makes it. Watched the Oil Kings cup win! Nice win.:)
Who's for L.A. and who's for Chicago? I'm for L. A. but I'll be okay if it's Chicago too. Whereas I'm really hoping Montreal makes it. Watched the Oil Kings cup win! Nice win.:)

Well, of the teams that are left, I most want the Kings to win. Now to figure out why. :rolleyes:

Price was great at the Olympics. But it wasn't fated to last.
I'm sorry I'm having such a hard time posting. The interface with the little window doesn't work well with my phone at all. I literally have to type in the replies like 4 times. Grrr. But only if replying on an already posted comment.

L.A. and N.Y. would end up being a fun cup series. It looks like it might go that way.

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