deep down I consider myself more toxic than other people
Yes, that's exactly the word I use on myself: "toxic". The myth is that Aspies don't have empathy. If anything, I feel such deep empathy for everyone else that I don't want to subject them to a relationship with me. I once told my pastors, "If I really loved you, I would leave you alone." I feel like what I need to feel good about myself would come at such a high price for anyone else that it's just not worth it. I'm too screwed up...just not worth the effort.
I'm with this diagnosis...that perhaps the real problem is that their messages of approval and appreciation at being in relationship with me may just be lost in translation. Perhaps more people like me than I realize. But it never gets through. And so I'm convinced I'm just a burden on people.
I'm so steeped in putting on a show for people...acting...that I'm especially attuned to authenticity (or lack of it) from others. It's kind of like hair coloring--I've never dyed my hair, so when I see other blondes, I just assume they're naturally blondes. I'm not familiar with the tactics to try and make hair color look natural because I've never had to pretend with that. But people who regularly dye their hair walk up to me out of nowhere and comment on my beautiful, natural color--they can tell the difference between fake and real because they work so hard at faking it.
I work so hard at faking being a likable person...faking being the person people want...faking being someone who fits. I can spot another fake a mile away, sometimes even when that person isn't aware they're faking. So even the slightest sign of annoyance or impatience from the other person sets off red flags all over the place for me that they don't like me, they're rejecting me, they're tired of me, I'm not worth it.
I'm starting to wonder if aspies...having the hypersensitivities that we have...might not actually be MORE aware of social intricacies than other people. I'm thinking that it's our ability to pick up on cues that most people miss...subconscious messages they're not even aware they're emitting...that confuses us so much. If you're trying to listen to a conversation but you're hearing and seeing all kinds of things...layers that no one else is noticing...of course that would be more confusing and overwhelming and harder to pick out the message the other person is actually TRYing to communicate...because you see layers underneath that message that the other person isn't even aware of.
It's like if you can see beyond the normal, visible spectrum (like Geordi on Star Trek), you have to work harder at picking out the parts that other people consider important and relevant. And it's exhausting to have to do that filtering/interpretation all the time. It's not a LACK of information, but rather an overload of all the EXTRA information. And it's not just body language, but all kinds of layers in the social interaction that we pick up and don't know how to prioritize and figure out what the person is thinking because there's so much they seem to be ignoring.
So then other people have layers of being annoyed with me...just as I do with them...but I pick up on their annoyance with me whereas they don't have a clue that I'm faking it with them.