When my psychiatrist dismissed my suspicions of autism 8 years ago or so, by saying "You're too warm to be autistic" (what did she know, I'm diagnosed now) it got me thinking, is that how we come across?
I think I do have a clinical side where I'm not ruled by emotions and I do have flat modes where I don't feel much at all, which I think, help me not be utterly emotionally destroyed by things that might've devastated me a lot more, if I were more "neurotypical" as a woman, but, I don't know if I come across as cold or not.
Seeing as my psychiatrist thought me warm, "too warm" but I'm not always, I have a side that is not invested in human inclusion and that loves living in the mental realm of things more than trying to find genuine connection. Is that my autism?
I don't think it's coldness but it is lack of connection to other humans and lack of desire as I perceive other humans to want. I'm not completely devoid of desire for human connection but I think it is decidedly more dulled and null compared to other people I witness, who seem to need it consistantly. I need time away from all human contact regularly.
I think I do have a clinical side where I'm not ruled by emotions and I do have flat modes where I don't feel much at all, which I think, help me not be utterly emotionally destroyed by things that might've devastated me a lot more, if I were more "neurotypical" as a woman, but, I don't know if I come across as cold or not.
Seeing as my psychiatrist thought me warm, "too warm" but I'm not always, I have a side that is not invested in human inclusion and that loves living in the mental realm of things more than trying to find genuine connection. Is that my autism?
I don't think it's coldness but it is lack of connection to other humans and lack of desire as I perceive other humans to want. I'm not completely devoid of desire for human connection but I think it is decidedly more dulled and null compared to other people I witness, who seem to need it consistantly. I need time away from all human contact regularly.