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Don't have ASD from core, help please what do?

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Active Member

I got addicted to a substance in the past, then had some intervention (also during the addiction- when I stopped using I became very anti-social and all that).... intervention and docs then change me to asd some how. of course I myself also..

but here is the thing. DEEP down, I don't have ASD. And while you may get some "extras" because of being diagnosed with it, IT has a LIFE Long effect. Not talking about how the world sees you. But you as a person, Not human anymore. Your trapped. Your not living in life anymore. Your alien. All of it, so life itself is trapped, now that's just from my experience. but before the diagnose and all that, I was all fine.....

so ...
what can I do to escape this?.... that's the question OK please. [ here I am ] ---->>>>>>>>>> I need to escape the inner prison that I have started to live. How can I reverse the psychological intervention the docs did and how can I return to myself ??? so I become myself again and I live my life FULLY, life is one.

thank you.
I really don't know what you went through when you had your intervention, but I can assure you that nothing the doctors did would have caused your ASD. This is all in your head. I think the "inner prison" you claim to be trapped within exists because you haven't yet accepted the fact that you are autistic. You are not yet comfortable with yourself post-diagnosis. Finding the strength to move past that should be your goal.

but here is the thing. DEEP down, I don't have ASD. And while you may get some "extras" because of being diagnosed with it, IT has a LIFE Long effect. Not talking about how the world sees you. But you as a person, Not human anymore. Your trapped. Your not living in life anymore. Your alien. All of it, so life itself is trapped, now that's just from my experience. but before the diagnose and all that, I was all fine.
I can't speak for anyone else, but I never stopped feeling human.
Not knowing wether your diagnosis is correct or not, even if you are an aspie, life doesn't just have to end. You can still live a great life. Either way, you are still human. I finally reached a point where I was comfortable with who I am. It's hard to break the thinking of what the world thinks about you I know. If you truly are not an aspie and don't see any of the characteristics of it in yourself, then you may have to get it in your head that your Dr. is a quack, and there are plenty of those out there. I haven't been officially diagnosed, but when I discovered I was an aspie I went through a period of feeling like you. I withdrew socially, I quit teaching Sunday school and sort of hibernated thinking that I was useless to society. Then I got depressed and realized how much joy it gave me to be around other people and figured out I needed to jump back into life and just be who I am and not worry about what others think. Best of luck to You!
You've stated that the docs say you've developed Aspergers … ummm, that's not how it works (as others have stated). And your description sounds very much like how I felt trying to fit into the acceptable mold of NT 'normalcy'.

Find a doc who knows what he's talking about, and get further testing.
You've stated that the docs say you've developed Aspergers … ummm, that's not how it works (as others have stated). And your description sounds very much like how I felt trying to fit into the acceptable mold of NT 'normalcy'.

Find a doc who knows what he's talking about, and get further testing.
Yeah, I'd go doc shopping. Be picky; you're worth it:).
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