It is often customary and in fact required on some forums to introduce oneself. So I might as well do that I got a double barrel of high functioning autism and a dose of a language disorder. School was lame and largely ineffective I left in high school at a 4th grade level.
For all intents and purposes for what I know now to be caused by my language disorder. I was functionally deaf in a school environment the bombardment of language all to common. The 8 years I spent in school were worthless short of the friends I made and have to this day.
I resented the experience, the ineffective and extremely outdated curriculum and the general lack of pragmatism. Towards the end it was an exercise in wheel spinning that progressively drove me closer towards gathering the student body in one place and gassing them all.
The second term of grade 8(first year of high school) was for me the major turning point in my life. I left in person high school for good, some of the fools who happened to be the powers that be objected. But my parents bless them decided to remain firm along with a few other allies.
So started chapter 2 gone where drama classes, arts, language and hand writing. Gone was the fat that only complicated by efforts to learn English, S&E and even some Math. A choked and often I stumbled it was not easy but my grades were vastly higher than they ever were previous.
The issues I had with language where ever present and they are to this day. I made more progress in months than in nearly a decade in generalised education. At this point I started to slowly realise were my strength truly was, it was systems. Towards the end of my school I reached the limits of my capacity in general education.
So began chapter 3 I shifted away from general education. My goals had shifted towards another strategy skill building and specialisation. I dove deeper and deeper into my studies of history, society, biology and technology. Be it the history of the cold war, Nazi Germany, trends and patterns in human behaviour to a limited extent. This was a break of gauge event for me personally, the way I saw the world and the social order at hand diverged entirely. This is were I started to view Autism at least as it effected me as a net benefit. As I sustain to this day there at present and for well over a century exists irreparable and fatal flaws in cultures globally and in the thinking of men. In my view ASD for all its deficits does in some cases allow a more unclouded view of social convention and culture. This view made clear what really mattered what goals were worth pursuing and what the future would really look like.
So in chapter 4 mile stones were reached, I learned to drive effectively regardless of road conditions. I even took it a step further driving manual or stick shift. So there after began a shift from high school to higher education I obtained a cert 2 and 3 and am in the process of obtaining a diploma. I went from an under performer to parity with my peers. I have for the first time even been able to function at a level beyond what even some of more peers are capable of. As a school student I was a failure but as a software development student. I have already achieved and learned more in this field then I have achieved in all of my short existence.
Truth be told I am not entirely certain were the road will lead me and what I am truly capable of. The entire point of this post truth be told is to drive the point of a few lessons I have learned.
1. Pragmatism, do not concern yourself with that which you cannot become or that which you are fundamentally weak. Adjust for the flaws caused of autism according to need not according to social convention. That time and energy is much better invested in area's of genuine strength.(consult the above for my views on this)
2. Drive, know what you are capable of but push yourself to be more shoot high. Focus and be better do not adopt a victim complex, such a complex will make quite sure you become stupid and remain stupid and lazy. No person in this world who has ever risen to highest heights or built anything did so by giving up the fight.
3. Independence, there is sometimes wisdom in culture and in words. But history and even my own story I think shows significant level of moderation is advisable. Do not bind yourself to thinking that offers poor results dare to be different.
I hope this introduction if it can even indeed be called that. Inspires a little of thinking in minds of people along a road not dissimilar to my own. Even better in the minds of some parents who might very well be reading this.
For all intents and purposes for what I know now to be caused by my language disorder. I was functionally deaf in a school environment the bombardment of language all to common. The 8 years I spent in school were worthless short of the friends I made and have to this day.
I resented the experience, the ineffective and extremely outdated curriculum and the general lack of pragmatism. Towards the end it was an exercise in wheel spinning that progressively drove me closer towards gathering the student body in one place and gassing them all.
The second term of grade 8(first year of high school) was for me the major turning point in my life. I left in person high school for good, some of the fools who happened to be the powers that be objected. But my parents bless them decided to remain firm along with a few other allies.
So started chapter 2 gone where drama classes, arts, language and hand writing. Gone was the fat that only complicated by efforts to learn English, S&E and even some Math. A choked and often I stumbled it was not easy but my grades were vastly higher than they ever were previous.
The issues I had with language where ever present and they are to this day. I made more progress in months than in nearly a decade in generalised education. At this point I started to slowly realise were my strength truly was, it was systems. Towards the end of my school I reached the limits of my capacity in general education.
So began chapter 3 I shifted away from general education. My goals had shifted towards another strategy skill building and specialisation. I dove deeper and deeper into my studies of history, society, biology and technology. Be it the history of the cold war, Nazi Germany, trends and patterns in human behaviour to a limited extent. This was a break of gauge event for me personally, the way I saw the world and the social order at hand diverged entirely. This is were I started to view Autism at least as it effected me as a net benefit. As I sustain to this day there at present and for well over a century exists irreparable and fatal flaws in cultures globally and in the thinking of men. In my view ASD for all its deficits does in some cases allow a more unclouded view of social convention and culture. This view made clear what really mattered what goals were worth pursuing and what the future would really look like.
So in chapter 4 mile stones were reached, I learned to drive effectively regardless of road conditions. I even took it a step further driving manual or stick shift. So there after began a shift from high school to higher education I obtained a cert 2 and 3 and am in the process of obtaining a diploma. I went from an under performer to parity with my peers. I have for the first time even been able to function at a level beyond what even some of more peers are capable of. As a school student I was a failure but as a software development student. I have already achieved and learned more in this field then I have achieved in all of my short existence.
Truth be told I am not entirely certain were the road will lead me and what I am truly capable of. The entire point of this post truth be told is to drive the point of a few lessons I have learned.
1. Pragmatism, do not concern yourself with that which you cannot become or that which you are fundamentally weak. Adjust for the flaws caused of autism according to need not according to social convention. That time and energy is much better invested in area's of genuine strength.(consult the above for my views on this)
2. Drive, know what you are capable of but push yourself to be more shoot high. Focus and be better do not adopt a victim complex, such a complex will make quite sure you become stupid and remain stupid and lazy. No person in this world who has ever risen to highest heights or built anything did so by giving up the fight.
3. Independence, there is sometimes wisdom in culture and in words. But history and even my own story I think shows significant level of moderation is advisable. Do not bind yourself to thinking that offers poor results dare to be different.
I hope this introduction if it can even indeed be called that. Inspires a little of thinking in minds of people along a road not dissimilar to my own. Even better in the minds of some parents who might very well be reading this.