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Hi everyone! I'd like to thank everyone in advance for allowing me to visit here and learn more about Aspergers. I used one of the few Polish words I know, lol, because it adequately describes my feelings of nervousness that I might be intruding, and my gratitude if I'm allowed to eavesdrop occasionally, and even ask questions as they arise.

As to my background-- I come from a large family in Connecticut, USA., and am the oldest boy who took on the role of big brother early, because that was required of me. In that role, I learned to observe and help the best I could, and that has translated to my adult life. I have an insatiable appetite for learning about people and just about everything that crosses my path, which has opened many doors I might never have noticed otherwise.

I am now blessed to count amongst my good friends someone who will soon, I believe, get an official diagnosis of Aspergers. Knowing him has been revelatory and heart warming. I don't know a more intelligent person in my life, so I'd really like to continue learning about what makes him so special. I hope my presence doesn't feel intrusive to anyone, or my questions irritating or ignorant. I'll do my best to avoid that... Call me tman, if you will. I've used that before when I was blogging more...
Greeting Tman, I'm sure that you'll enjoy this place and feel that you belong. I only joined recently myself and it already feels to me like a relaxed and welcoming sort of place, in stark contrast to some other autism forums that I've visited. I hope that your friend doesn't become conceited when he reads what you've written about him. Some people on the spectrum, especially me, already think that they're the bees knee's and they don't need further encouragement :p
Greeting Tman, I'm sure that you'll enjoy this place and feel that you belong. I only joined recently myself and it already feels to me like a relaxed and welcoming sort of place, in stark contrast to some other autism forums that I've visited. I hope that your friend doesn't become conceited when he reads what you've written about him. Some people on the spectrum, especially me, already think that they're the bees knee's and they don't need further encouragement :p
Oh dear, BIMOG!! I certainly hope not too! But, knowing him, I'd say that's unlikely. I think his head is just the right size now, and I know he'd prefer not to have to purchase all new head gear after he has exactly what he likes! Besides, he lives pretty far away, so how would he know anyways?

Dziekuje = Thank you.:)

I looked it up.
If I hadn't, I would have thought 'dziekuje'
meant 'nervous.':confused:
Dziekuje = Thank you.:)

I looked it up.
If I hadn't, I would have thought 'dziekuje'
meant 'nervous.':confused:
Hi tree! Yes, I'm sorry my explanation was so convoluted! In my experience, we've used "dziekuje" as a formal greeting meaning, more or less, "thanks in advance", usually with people we were just meeting. Hence the nervousness it always suggested to me as a child. I don't speak Polish now, except for a very few words, sadly. Only my mother's side of the family was first generation, so they spoke fluently in my youth, but much of that is lost now. I only have one uncle alive from my mom's side, and even he has lost contact with the language, just like my mom. She can understand the language if it's spoken slowly, but had lost her ability to converse fluently like she once could. Still, it has meaning for me, so I hold onto the last remnants...
Greetings. It's sad that language is lost so easily.

You sound like a sweet person, and you're welcome to ask any question here.
Greetings. It's sad that language is lost so easily.

You sound like a sweet person, and you're welcome to ask any question here.
Thankyou Walsie! I have a few questions already, but I'm gonna wait a bit whilst I read more of the threads.
Welcome aboard :)

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