My thoughts =
I have never heard of Eddie Redmayne, the actor.
Or "Newt Scaramander", the character.
(As it was spelled in before you edited your title.
"Newt Scaramander" looks to be an attempt to make a character's
name from amphibian words. Newt and salamander.
Then I thought of looking up "Newt Scamander", the correct spelling of the
character's name.
Newton Scamander
I have enjoyed some Harry Potter films and books.
Snape was my favorite among the teachers.
If the actor patterned his portrayal of the character Newt Scamander
in a way that he believes best shows asperger's traits as he understands them
to be, that's his prerogative. I hope he does a good, reasonable, modest job
of it. Not a lot of silly exaggeration.