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Elliot Rodger

Peter A.

Well-Known Member
I wonder if, because of the recent massacre in California, people will begin to see some kind of link between A.S. and those who perpetrate such crimes. Bigotry needs only the flimsiest of excuses to feed it.

'Contrary to the Daily Kos claim, Rodger was getting mental help. His parents reportedly saw his dozens of YouTube videos — of him wandering alone or sitting in his car complaining about the world’s unfairness, his loneliness and a desire for vengeance — and were concerned enough to report them to police, their lawyer tells ABC News. He was being treated by multiple therapists, according to the lawyer, and had been diagnosed as “a high-functioning patient with Asperger syndrome.”'

The Disturbing Internet Footprint Of Santa Barbara Shooter Elliot Rodger - Forbes

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