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embarrassing stim?


I am new to exploring my Aspie side. I have a behavior that I am just now recognizing as a "stim". Under stress, I have a strong need to masturbate. I either have to masturbate right then or struggle through the arousal and the stress at the same time. As a child, I was quite an embarrassment to others because I didn't realize that what I was doing was different than scratching an itch. I never connected this to autism, but it sure seems like a stim to me. It is not really about sexuality, although it uses the same organ. Does anyone have this, or something similar? (Now I am not a child and I live alone, so I have more freedom. Still have the stim, don't have the embarrassment!!)
I guess it's possible. But it sounds more like a crossed wire to me. Like when the doctor taps your left knee your right leg goes up.
It's more than likely a response you taught yourself during puberty, and although it doesn't work exactly like that for me I do understand it.

I have noticed that amongst autistic people there seems to be a higher number of the more extreme sexual responses. A lot of people with Aspergers seem to have very low sex drives, often describing themselves as asexual, where as I have come across quite a few fully autistic people that have much higher sex drives than the average. (I've been around a bit) It seems average isn't normal amongst us.
I am new to exploring my Aspie side. I have a behavior that I am just now recognizing as a "stim". Under stress, I have a strong need to masturbate. I either have to masturbate right then or struggle through the arousal and the stress at the same time. As a child, I was quite an embarrassment to others because I didn't realize that what I was doing was different than scratching an itch. I never connected this to autism, but it sure seems like a stim to me. It is not really about sexuality, although it uses the same organ. Does anyone have this, or something similar? (Now I am not a child and I live alone, so I have more freedom. Still have the stim, don't have the embarrassment!!)
I did this a lot as a child too. Like most children I was pretty innocent and didn't masturbate for sexual reasons, but what I did was masturbating and I didn't know it at the time. Sometimes once I started a masturbation moment I couldn't stop, and would ignore other children who wanted to play because I had to masturbate first. They didn't know it was masturbating either but sometimes they copied me, even my older brother and sister. I used to call it ''tickling my butt'', even though it wasn't my butt I was tickling exactly. But it was all innocent. And, strange thing I know, I found it more enjoyable and easier to do this to the sound of burps. Like I'd put in a cartoon video where I knew a character does a burp then keep rewinding it to hear the burp and then masturbate to it. Yes, so very weird. I wish I could go back to childhood and not do this.

For me it wasn't really stimming, as I didn't do it anywhere except at home, it was just a habit or an enjoyment. And sorry if this post is TMI but it's true and is from a serious context.
It's more than likely a response you taught yourself during puberty, and although it doesn't work exactly like that for me I do understand it.

I have noticed that amongst autistic people there seems to be a higher number of the more extreme sexual responses. A lot of people with Aspergers seem to have very low sex drives, often describing themselves as asexual, where as I have come across quite a few fully autistic people that have much higher sex drives than the average. (I've been around a bit) It seems average isn't normal amongst us.
I started doing it way before puberty, definitely as a young child. I can get behind the idea that we aren't typical in our sexuality, either. Thank you for understanding!
I did this a lot as a child too. Like most children I was pretty innocent and didn't masturbate for sexual reasons, but what I did was masturbating and I didn't know it at the time. Sometimes once I started a masturbation moment I couldn't stop, and would ignore other children who wanted to play because I had to masturbate first. They didn't know it was masturbating either but sometimes they copied me, even my older brother and sister. I used to call it ''tickling my butt'', even though it wasn't my butt I was tickling exactly. But it was all innocent. And, strange thing I know, I found it more enjoyable and easier to do this to the sound of burps. Like I'd put in a cartoon video where I knew a character does a burp then keep rewinding it to hear the burp and then masturbate to it. Yes, so very weird. I wish I could go back to childhood and not do this.

For me it wasn't really stimming, as I didn't do it anywhere except at home, it was just a habit or an enjoyment. And sorry if this post is TMI but it's true and is from a serious context.
exactly. It is very difficult to stop even now, but I have much more self control!!! My families name for it was "wiggling". Kinda accurate! It definitely helps me be more relaxed, although it is quite annoying. I'd rather have a more "conventional" sim, if that is what it is.
I started doing it way before puberty, definitely as a young child. I can get behind the idea that we aren't typical in our sexuality, either. Thank you for understanding!
The only other thing I can think of that I can relate it to is that a lot of very small boys hold on to themselves a lot, I can't remember if I did that or not but I might have.
And, strange thing I know, I found it more enjoyable and easier to do this to the sound of burps.


I like pacing and also twirling. I don't even realize I'm doing it, a lot of the time. But it feels nice, and relieves stress. I am in a wheelchair a lot of the time, and guess what? I pace and twirl in my wheelchair. One time I was having pizza with my brother, and he says to me, "You can't use your wheelchair like a fidget spinner." I didn't even realize I was pacing and twirling.

It's just fun. As a kid I used to skateboard and also go mountain biking. It was fun doing little jumps and skids. So this is kind of like that, but in a wheelchair. It's fun. Twirling round and other wheelchair tricks breaks up the stress and maybe a long boring wait too.
last time I was in a wheelchair was 50 years ago refused to use one in hospital after stroke even though I could not leave room unless I used it, I give me a walker which they did wheelchair is a crutch. walking distance improving daily 2 km no issue. I have the constitution to join seal team 6.

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