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I think so.

That is a GIF image.* Emoji is more like text characters.
I have used certain ones here before, ⏰
but it seems like the extended set is now working. 🚴 🎓

HERE is the current list of emoji characters that you can copy & paste.
I keep a short list HERE.
You can also do a Google search for individual emoji to copy & paste.

*And I have plenty of those. ;)
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These are all from this site. You have to tap the second group of 3 dots at the top of the text entry box. Then scroll down through the choices
I know about the smiley face icon, but before now, we could not copy/paste all existing emoji. Now, we seem to be able to.

The webmaster here may want to block the "flip-off hand" and the "pile of poo" emoji (if they are not doing so, already).

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