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Employee tried to make eye contact with me


Well-Known Member
This employee tried to get me to have over the top eye contact, a shop assistant, I never have issues that otherwise, if there were no other people around I would have told him what I thought of him.
Generally if someone tries to give me an attitude if it's not a public place I will tell the person what I think of them.
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Sorry. This was an invasion of sorts. Try some deep breaths.
Yeah thanks, I know that minding my own business doing nothing wrong, people with bad attitudes are at fault and not me, aspies and non aspies have been subject of people trying to bully them or provoke them, it doesn't happen a lot but shouldn't happen
Need more information, I don't understand, how did he try to make eye contact with you? He tried to force you? Shop assistants usually do try to make eye contact with customers, they are probably told to do so by their boss. Though eye contact should be voluntary on the part of the customer, they shouldn't force it.
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Exactly. Sounds like you processed this pretty quick, your anger. But that can piss me off if it's hard a stare. Kinda of funny, but we do get pissed off. Pushy people are the norm these days.☹
Yeah I have visited shops for years and get how customer service is encouraged with 'some' eye contact I just thought he was trying to hold my gaze unnecessarily, maybe it was unintentional though
Yeah I have visited shops for years and get how customer service is encouraged with 'some' eye contact I just thought he was trying to hold my gaze unnecessarily, maybe it was unintentional though
I see, so he was staring. It might have been unintentional, but it still feels very invasive and uncomfortable or creepy even. If it were me, I would probably not use that shop again.

I once had a shop assistant telling me to look at her while she was speaking, literally trying to force me and that was not a pleasant experience.
Most of the time l can handle. But some people feel *in your face* and l have no desire to look at them. Pushy types. You desire to shut them down.
The hairy eyeball, gimlet gaze, basilisk stare - all aggressive stuff. Well passive aggressive i spose, hard not to take the bait but if you do, they win.
I've never had anyone try to force eye contact with me like that. Except maybe my dad, who wanted me to look like I was listening. But something like this would make me uncomfortable, making eye contact even harder to keep.

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