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Employment issues...

I just asked to leave my current job as a machinist. I had submitted my resignation a few days ago but have since asked to leave earlier. I made three mistakes in a row on three separate parts.

I am just curious does anyone KNOW ANY GOOD JOBS FOR PEOPLE ON THE SPECTRUM???
because im just about at my witts end on trying to maintain employment as a machinist

Thank you!
If you are already a machinist that would sound like an ideal job for someone on the spectrum!

Maybe finding a way to work somewhere better for you would help.
Or just tell them that is there another position you could do, maybe that isn't the best fit?
I can only last at jobs where I'm not watched. I've managed to get three jobs where supervision is minimal. Before that, I could never last longer than a year at a job. Now I'm approaching ten years with two of my jobs and one year with my third job.
I would think just about any of the skilled labor jobs, and everybody is screaming for help in those fields. Heavy machinery operator, HVAC, electrical, solar, wind, plumbing, roofing and siding, concrete, etc. For those with advanced degrees, many of the science, technology, engineering, and mathematical fields.
Based on my experience coil coating line, if you like working alone with minimum supervision you may need some retraining as almost every position is semi-skilled. I lasted 21 years at my last position. Lab tech.
I just asked to leave my current job as a machinist. I had submitted my resignation a few days ago but have since asked to leave earlier. I made three mistakes in a row on three separate parts.

I am just curious does anyone KNOW ANY GOOD JOBS FOR PEOPLE ON THE SPECTRUM???
because im just about at my witts end on trying to maintain employment as a machinist

Thank you!
I have been a machinist for 35 years, granted it been at too many jobs. Is there a specific problem?
I've heard autistic people love stacking shelves.

But I may have heard it from the autistic reporter on the onion

Perhaps being autistic you don't want to change your environment too much though. Maybe another job in a machinist like environment?

I'm not sure if I would be happy working outside of a kitchen environment because that's what I'm used to
I've heard autistic people love stacking shelves.

But I may have heard it from the autistic reporter on the onion
I don't know if you are trying to be funny, but that is very insulting to me. I am a very skilled craftsman. While I may soon be unemployed because of my "inability to get along", I am very good at what I do.
I was an Offset Printer for more than 20 years and that was a good job and I really enjoyed it. Think highly skilled machine operator. I had the same issues that many of us have with control freaks and I changed jobs often but because it was such a highly skilled trade I could do that, quit one job and start somewhere else the next day.
I don't know if you are trying to be funny, but that is very insulting to me. I am a very skilled craftsman. While I may soon be unemployed because of my "inability to get along", I am very good at what I do.
I wasn't trying to be funny or insulting. You asked for a job that suits autistic people and it's the only one I've really heard of.

You asked for autistic jobs, not craftsman jobs. It is not my fault you were unspecific
I wasn't trying to be funny or insulting. You asked for a job that suits autistic people and it's the only one I've really heard of.

You asked for autistic jobs, not craftsman jobs. It is not my fault you were unspecific
If an autistic person has the job, it's an autistic job, and the right job depends always on the person right there.

I've heard of autistic priests, nuclear techs, locomotive engineers, farmers, writers, teachers, professors, welders and concert musicians and horse trainers and everything else. I'm a repairman at a factory but now I am helping support an ancillary industry with making parts - so I get to do prep work, making a part that's used by assembly line workers to build the hub of a vehicle. (And I'm very good at it.)
I recently spoke to mt former manager he stated it is very difficult to hire hourly help, Coil coating line these lobs are great for loners require skill. coater operator position hard to fill.
What are you passionate about? What are you good at? Do you have any means to pursue a job catered towards a passion combined with skill set?
I'm 68 learned at lota bout life what I've noticed is life is one big maze from beginning to end so It's all about making decisions reach a dead end start again at beginning try again or make or choice or take risk decision to move ahead through maze. Fortunately, many of us are good at this, visual thinking.

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