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Just got back from a holiday (of sorts anyways, it was hard work sometimes) on the wild and rugged West Highlands of Scotland. Got away from society for awhile. Just got back to society and already hating it. One of the things I hate is my job. I know that is common among both NT and ND people.

My question is this; what work do you do and do you enjoy it and do you find it fulfilling? I am asking so I can get some ideas of jobs to do. I don't think there is a perfect job as such for autistic people but I just wondered if any of your are happy in your jobs?


Currently, I'm a pianist and piano teacher, and I love it, but I'm fairly certain that's useless to you. Good luck though.
Currently, I'm a pianist and piano teacher, and I love it, but I'm fairly certain that's useless to you. Good luck though.
No, not useless. Interesting to know what people do for a living. No one seems to want to say except for yourself. Thanks for replying
I will write about myself. Maybe it will help someone or someone can relate.

I am 49 and never had a skill or a career or studied. Never been to university. I did do a forestry course once for a year in Inverness, Scotland but never took it further. I was crap at tree felling with a chainsaw. I mean absolutely awful at it. Failed my main chainsaw exam anyways.

The plan as a teenager was to become a graphic designer or architect and go to university. That didn't happen. I had a breakdown when I was 17, took some drugs and it seemed everyone could read my thoughts so it made me very anxious, paranoid and I didn't want to go out the house much. I still don't like being around people but then I have been like that since early childhood.

I have had over 50+ jobs. Some I just stayed in a few days, some for a few months. Longest job I had was a year and a half. I always end up leaving because of either boredom or conflict with other people or not fitting or generally just hating the job and/or the people I work with. I often misunderstand people or get accused of being too slow at my work. I do work, I don't keep taking breaks etc, I get on with it but I am just slow.

I nearly always have low paid, unskilled menial jobs. Jobs like pot washing or cleaning. I did once clean Chinook helicopters for the military (this is in UK where I live), it was alright till I had some conflict with some guys who seemed to be making fun of me.

I currently work as a cleaner at university in Sheffield where I live. Yes, what a loser, that's ok I have said it about myself many times also and wished I was dead many days of the week

I have been trying to learn programming on and off for 4 year now, even did a course at the local college recently but it was free and very badly run. They switched to online classes and I just can't concentrate as I have my 4 year old to look after in the evening while my wife works. I can't study and look after an autistic 4 year old at the same time. I decided to have another go at learning PHP, I have a book about it on my Kindle list. I just started again. I seem to go around in circles.

My attention span is poor and it always has been even before the distractions of the modern age. My ideal job I guess would be making stained glass art and designs and selling them online. I did do a 5 day course in stained glass in Edinburgh back in 2008. I did enjoy it

That's enough about me for now. I guess this was cathartic writing all this down. I hope someone else can relate. Thanks for reading.
My ideal job I guess would be making stained glass art and designs and selling them online.
This sounds dreamy. I wondered if I could make it selling art, but never actually tried. Actually, some people here encouraged me to really think about it again and I’m in the slow process of going for it now – trying to sell arts and crafts as supplemental income.

Interesting to read about your work experience.
This sounds dreamy. I wondered if I could make it selling art, but never actually tried. Actually, some people here encouraged me to really think about it again and I’m in the slow process of going for it now – trying to sell arts and crafts as supplemental income.

Interesting to read about your work experience.

What kind of arts and crafts do you specialise in?

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