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Emptying Full Bins - Health & Safety


Well-Known Member
During the 2022 Fringe festival in Edinburgh, UK the Waste and recycling staff striked. And although I can understand their reasons for striking and of course they should be paid enough, at the same time it's sad that it came to that and I think it was a health and safety issue. Sadly there is going to probably be another strike this fringe, I have included a link to the story Link to Story
That's a shame. Our family toured Scotland for a few weeks in May. For the most part, no matter where we traveled, everything was very clean and well kept. Beautiful in so many ways. We spent several days in Edinburgh and Inverness, taking day trips from those two cities.
That's a shame. Our family toured Scotland for a few weeks in May. For the most part, no matter where we traveled, everything was very clean and well kept. Beautiful in so many ways. We spent several days in Edinburgh and Inverness, taking day trips from those two cities.
Glad you enjoyed your visit! :)

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