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England football team go through to the quarter finals of Euro' 2024


Active Member
After the England national football team (mens) played against Slovakia this evening, winning 2-1 overall, with a late equalizer in injury time, providing the way for an extra time winning goal, the team are now through to the quarter final, playing against Switzerland this coming Saturday.

Highlights below in case anyone missed it!

Go England! 🥳
Judey really channelled fy Capten Bale with that bicycle kick, good Gods. The Galactico effect (or Cymru ;))

I'm happy to see Jude shut his considerable number of haters down, even for one night. The kid's only 21, in his first season at a new team abroad, and yet he's carrying the entire national side and the hopes of a nation.

As a Wales fan I do ofc always want to see England slain in the most embarrassing manner, but there's no denying this was a clutch result worth cheering, with plenty of drama in extra time. This is what people come to the Euros for.

Besides these last-minute gifts and Jude's undeniable brilliance, though, this team are not connecting and it's showing in their bland, unproductive, joyless and lost style of play. Not performing like worthy winners or finalists. Switzerland I fear (hope?) will take them to pieces. And I am here to witness!!

Spain played fantastically this evening, by contrast. Could see them going all the way.
The coffeeshop I go to in the morning usually has the soccer on their big TV. I admire the skill in the game but I mainly check out the various players for levels of hotness.
The coffeeshop I go to in the morning usually has the soccer on their big TV. I admire the skill in the game but I mainly check out the various players for levels of hotness.
That sounds like my sister, she watched AFL all her life but confessed to not knowing any rules of the game or caring, to her it was just a soft porn show. :)
The coffeeshop I go to in the morning usually has the soccer on their big TV. I admire the skill in the game but I mainly check out the various players for levels of hotness.

If you ever get more into it, you might enjoy the footyblr community over on tumblr. A lot of, errrr…visual and creative appreciation going on. Plenty of funny content as well. It’s nice being around fans who are there to have a good time and aren’t taking the game part that seriously or personally.
A late goal deep into extra time with their first shot on target means the manager and team get to rewrite history and clutch their pearls at the media and fans in the press conferences.

They seem to expect respect rather than earn it. Their club celebrity status means nothing at international level, in which they have achieved nothing. Rightly or wrongly the fans expect club form to transfer over.

They will still lose to the first big hitter they face as England and Southgate historically always do. The Swiss are a good side with far more firepower than previous teams faced and will probably knock them out next round, due in part to England's dysfunctional playing system, obsession with individuals and 'moments', Southgate's freeze response at crunch time, lower technical and tactical ability, low morale and to be fair the weight of the shirt. (NOT the long season!😂)

Without that 1 in a million late goal they would have gone out without a single shot on target to a well organised and motivated team ranked 40 places below them. Someone even posted a fake, satirical comment on the BBC match report the day before the game bemoaning that very scenario and was 20 seconds from being right. You see Southgate is the definition of insanity.
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Soccer is ok. I used to play some. Even scored for an Air Force Team against a German Luftwaffe one.

But nothing beats Extreme Ironing.


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