Well-Known Member
My name is Jess and I'm 16. Not really sure how I should introduce myself if I'm perfectly honest. I'm currently being diagnosed for Aspergers, however I've had an unofficial diagnosis so the chances are it will be made official. I'm not really sure how I feel about having Aspergers, I don't really know much about it, I'm hoping that things that have occurred in my life will make more sense now I can see that it's a part of how my brain works. Up until now I have often struggled through life as i'm sure many of you have, I used to get bullied a lot when I was younger however the last few years of high school were better for me as I learnt to observe others and apply things I have noticed into my own social situations. I'm not really sure what counts as an obsession as I often give up/avoid imperfection and so if something I love at the time disappoints me by not being right I always tend to move onto other things, maybe one day i'll find something that can't be ruined that I can be obsessed with. I would quite like gain friends from this site as it would be nice to speak to like minded people. That's about it really! (this post probably doesn't make sense but oh well)