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Escaping elcatraz


Well-Known Member
Right, so main argument here is that action = reaction, and all things are subject to theory of relativity, right Einstein?

So if you were born autistic prior to 150 years ago, well youd have being left to fend for yourself in a world not designed for, that is provided asd people have genius IQ or else we just plain old disabled.

Well if we all had Oktoberfest parties without ever loosing our Kasteel in chess, well laws and rights of amendments would change to appreciation of how kosher slaves gave thanks to angel at Passover. Should we really do away with flemmisch then, no. It is historic part of expression, daar is woorde wat net lekker so af Klink net Soos Freud het Kass grillers ge EET terwyl hy leer at our sy ma se lekker koek quite.
Wat? No, jack we being up beanstalk before and you never ate frog legs you stole golden harp and motzart went blind during time slaves cut down beanstalk.

Ye, action = reaction is albeit harsh but if you cooperated in open minded way all of this would be deemed unnecessary.
The human world feels harder and harder to react to. But, I suppose that was always the case. Not just for us, necessarily.

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