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Evaluation and Diagnosis?


Active Member
I recently talked to my mom and gave her a very detailed list of characteristics in males and females with Aspergers. She is now listening to what I have been saying this entire time and said that she has always known something was different, she just wasn't sure what that was. She also wants to take me for an evaluation, but we have no idea what that will cost without insurance. Does anyone know about what it would be? - If you're on the west side or south east part of Missouri, that would be especially helpful. If not, I can still have a rough estimate!
I suggest that you find some qualified doctors and ask them. I did that recently (in CA) and the answer was $500-$1500.
I recently talked to my mom and gave her a very detailed list of characteristics in males and females with Aspergers. She is now listening to what I have been saying this entire time and said that she has always known something was different, she just wasn't sure what that was. She also wants to take me for an evaluation, but we have no idea what that will cost without insurance. Does anyone know about what it would be? - If you're on the west side or south east part of Missouri, that would be especially helpful. If not, I can still have a rough estimate!
In Portland, OR, you would pay around $900 for an evaluation by a psychologist who specializes in ASD.

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