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Ever been a moderator in other forums?


Former Co-Owner
V.I.P Member
Anyone here been a moderator in other forums?

I used to be a moderator in my friends forum and helped him out with things but then I was gutted that he decided to close the site down and I don't even know why he seamed to do it? I think it was the pranks he was getting or something, I ain't so sure, he wouldn't seam to tell me?

And I'm an administrator in another forum which I have created myself, i'm already starting to get a few members coming in now, just had one today which i'm pleased about... I shall put it under my signature soon and everyone is welcome to join.

I was a moderator on UK's biggest MSN Group Grapevine which I got banned for being a great moderator and saying I have autism and it suddenly just changed alot of things and it was pretty upsetting they didn't accept that. :(

Anyone else here been a moderator in other forums?
I was a mod on 7 boards that were not my own and I started a few boards too. All were unsuccessful except for my debate board, which got shut down due to TOS violation that was not immoral. I should have had my blog on the people that ratted me out and had me shut down on LJ or Blogspot or Xanga or something, if only I'd heard of those places.
I used to moderate a lot of forums a few years ago. Lost interest in all of them though. Also ran my own fair share of forums in my 'short time'. :P This one has been the only one I've attempted properly though - seems to be working. :)

(Thanks everyone.)
I moderatore on Sodaplay forums(I'm a **** mod tbh, I've got suspended, had more posts deleted, started more flame wars and violated more rules than most people there). I tend to be the one getting pissy at the other moderators for their injustices and complain about everything. I also join in on the flaming of new users. ^^. LOL.
I'm assuming I was a moderator on my ex-boyfriend's forum but idk really. I can't remember. If I was I didn't moderate 'cause I never went on it 'cause it was pretty **** tbh.
I was also Admin on my friend Tom's forum. It was actually pretty successful and we had around 200 members, but he's really impulsive and deleted it one day :/. Seriously. After like 3 months :/. I was pissed off but I didn't say anything 'cause I wasn't the one paying for the hosting or domain, but still :/.
Me and my friend made like 10 forums, but only one got successful(dead now) called, NQA- Not Quite Art. We made some MSN Groups which were cool, one was called Jokes and Puns which got a few moderators and one was a Nintendo fan group which got a few fans.
But yeah :D.
I used to moderate a lot of forums a few years ago. Lost interest in all of them though. Also ran my own fair share of forums in my 'short time'. :P This one has been the only one I've attempted properly though - seems to be working. :)

(Thanks everyone.)
You are most welcome Chris, we are what this site has become. :D
I just noticed in that post there's loads of mistakes like calling members moderators and st00f D:.
I've been the admin of a support forum for depression and anxiety for about 10 years. I had a harry potter roleplay forum for like two or three years, too. I was a mod on a girly game site for maybe 6 or 7 years, and I had a stint as an admin, too. I've had more temporary mod jobs before, but those are the main ones.
Ruby, I almost became a moderator on a Harry Potter roleplay board called Trio's Hogwarts.
If anybody was to become a moderator in runescape, it would mean you would have to keep reporting and reporting and reporting bad incidents and then the chances are, you will become one. :thumbsup:

But I don't want to become a moderator at that since I'm hardly active on there.
Forget being a runescape mod, the only way I would do that is if I was on 20-30k a year. :) :P
Not looking for any juuuuust yet. People will hear about it when we are. :)
i lol'd

i wanna be a mod......Chris can i be a mod please
Being a mod is actually quite hard work if the site is very active like WP for example... You also have to answer peoples messages, you also have to have patience while doing this which i'm very good at that.

This may look like fun but it can be hard work, if you love the hard work, then it wouldn't be a problem.

(own experiences) :lol:
pleassssseeee can i be a mod

edit: ian, i have a shitload of free time that i normally spend on the computer so i may as well make use of it
pleassssseeee can i be a mod

edit: ian, i have a shitload of free time that i normally spend on the computer so i may as well make use of it
Might aswell, the only person I would ask is Chris probably through PM. ;)
I can't stand it when the moderators on WP go on about how hard it is to be a moderator and that other users should be grateful when there's like >5,000 members there, literally, who could be doing a job ten times better.
I think the biggest forum I ever worked on was 74,435 members, I both adminned and modded and was on staff for like 4 years. I didn't think it was hard work at all, but I never get off the computer anyway.
I can't stand it when the moderators on WP go on about how hard it is to be a moderator and that other users should be grateful when there's like >5,000 members there, literally, who could be doing a job ten times better.
Weird how I've mentioned that, then again, that's what one of the former mods told me on another site.
Moderating/Admin work etc from my experience (quite vast, to be fair) can be difficult and a bore or easy and enjoyable. My passion for it fluctuates - blaming my AS for that - e.g. when the forums opened I was obsessed with it and spent every minute on here, posting like mad... since then I've gone through two ups and downs of not posting for a couple of days and being manic about it again. Right now the cba-factor is at an all time high so doing updates and so on is tough, but I'll get through it and another 'up' period will be along soon enough. :D

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