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Ever thinking


Well-Known Member
Today, as almost every day, I was attempting to make my way through the crowd when I came up with the idea of writing it down and later share it with you guys/ladies too of course.
Straight to the point, when I am walking though so many people I kind of imagine different routes able to take and ponder in few seconds my best way out. It's related to the fact that I measure almost everything under my control, I am always looking for efficiency and it seems like I am unable to stop thinking about it.
Straight to the point, when I am walking though so many people I kind of imagine different routes able to take and ponder in few seconds my best way out.

I do the same thing. I'm always looking for the nearest EXIT door or the most efficient path away from the crowd.

Yes me too! If its crowded i walk slower so i can predict which way people are intending to move and predict for myself the best path through the crowd to where i want to get to.

I've found that if i just rush through i'm prone to a case of tunnel vision and not noticing someone the walking my way from the side until they've nearly ran into me! I do it at work all the time its embarrassing. Especially when the supervisors are right behind me saying 'watch out' the moment i notice them and am nearly hit by a cart. >_< I like to blame it on my bad peripheral vision.
I move slowly through crowds, partly to avoid being too overwhelmed, also because people seem to lose the ability to be aware of others' proximity; If I stop or change direction, I check behind and around me first. If I'm standing talking to someone I make sure I'm not blocking access.
I guess I walk like I drive.. I think people should have indicators & brake lights!
This place sometimes makes me feel like I'm communicating here with myself from another dimension.

To answer the question, yes.
I attempt to calculate people's trajectories, and find "the path of least resistance".
Its not a very good way to avoid people bumping in to me though.
I live in a city that attracts a great many tourists. They tend to not look at where they are going, let alone other persons.
You really can't predict what these people are going to do.
Its the same with people window shopping, folks at the markets and so on.

It does my head in. Why can't they just look at where they are heading?
I'm easily distracted sometimes, but seriously, people shopping are like newborn baby's, unaware of any danger.
Straight to the point, when I am walking though so many people I kind of imagine different routes able to take and ponder in few seconds my best way out. It's related to the fact that I measure almost everything under my control, I am always looking for efficiency and it seems like I am unable to stop thinking about it.

I drive like this, too. My dad taught me how to drive systematically and efficiently, and I had a CB radio to listen in on the truckers and hear what they had to say, too. The rules of the road...the SYSTEM...I'm always watching other cars and trying to predict what they're thinking and what they're about to do. It's helped me avoid several wrecks because I saw what they were doing before they did, like pulling out in front of me or changing lanes suddenly.
Today, as almost every day, I was attempting to make my way through the crowd when I came up with the idea of writing it down and later share it with you guys/ladies too of course.
Straight to the point, when I am walking though so many people I kind of imagine different routes able to take and ponder in few seconds my best way out. It's related to the fact that I measure almost everything under my control, I am always looking for efficiency and it seems like I am unable to stop thinking about it.

i HATE crowds. i feel violated if someone walks too close to me or a hand brushes my wrist. i feel angry and frustrated and anxious and whatnot. i have no privacy.
Related to this, one think that drives me up the wall is when I am at the supermarket and someone leaves the trolley in the middle of the isle... Or someone who is not sure what to buy and ponders it in the VERY MIDDLE of the isle.
I feel like I scan the crowd when I move through it in order to find the path of least resistance.

I do this too. I can usually move with some speed through a crowd doing this. I dodge, bob and weave with amazing agility for my uncoordinated self. I guess the need to get through the crowd overpowers my clumsy gene temporarily.
Related to this, one think that drives me up the wall is when I am at the supermarket and someone leaves the trolley in the middle of the isle... Or someone who is not sure what to buy and ponders it in the VERY MIDDLE of the isle.

I hate that too, and I hate it when people crowd right up behind you when you're trying to check out. I don't like people breathing down my neck while I'm trying to pay for my items. I usually start moving slower to annoy them.
If I am in a hurry I can speedily navigate through a crowd, and have fun finding a path that allows me to maintain my speed with out causing offense. I enjoy much more when I am not in a hurry and can stroll through at my leisure, unnoticed and people watching. It is times like this when I have no obligations nor responsibilities and can just wander and marvel at the world.
I do that every time I go into a store. Especially Walmart! I'm always looking at the product displays and calculating the fastest way around them and the people walking two- or three-abreast down an aisle or who've parked on one side so as to closely examine a product on another.
My life is all about vectors, when I walk, drive or fly, the world is in an angular relationship to me. ;)

Yes--as long as I can remember, I've seen lines mostly but also planes extended from object edges and surfaces. I'm acutely aware of what direction my fingers are pointing, and what lines are pointing directly at me. I'm also mapping paths for anything in movement.
Yes--as long as I can remember, I've seen lines mostly but also planes extended from object edges and surfaces. I'm acutely aware of what direction my fingers are pointing, and what lines are pointing directly at me. I'm also mapping paths for anything in movement.

I love snowfall. I will pick a snowflake to watch as see all the others in relation to it, used to blow my mind as a kid.
I love snowfall. I will pick a snowflake to watch as see all the others in relation to it, used to blow my mind as a kid.

I do the same kind of thing with patterns on wallpaper or fabric, even tile. I could sit for a half hour staring at a good pattern, and then be just as mesmerized by it the next day, too.

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