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Excess compliments and being too fast in certain areas


Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member
Excess compliments.

If I am in a three way convesation ( which is hard enough anyway) and one member is heavily praising the other member, I feel very uncomfortable and actually want to escape. It is not that I do not want others to be complimented; it is when it is over the top compliments and I actually find myself seeing the faults of the one being heavily complimented and end up almost hating them.

Difficult for me to admit this, because I feel rather ashamed of myself.

Being too fast.

Because of being in a situation that is not making me feel comfortable ie dr; hospital etc etc, I try to help them by endeavouring to be on the ball, but end up being faster than they and they often have told me to slow down.

Happened this morning. I just had my 3 month blood test for diabetes 2 ( in place of testing myself each day) and had everything laid out for the nurse ( happily, they come to my home), but when she was writing details, I asked her if she wanted my email and she said: slow down; you are being faster than me!

When I am being given instructions, unfortunately, I jump in because I know all about it ( having studied before), but the person gets annoyed with me, for trying to do his or her job.

I do try to slow down, which involves heavy mental control, which is also terribly tiring.
Yup, yup, yup... I've been known to almost jump in too fast at times

Lol, I do it all the time, but for once, when the nurse, this morning said that I was too fast, I was able to laugh. Did feel a little crushed and well, picked on, but maintained a bit of sense of humour.

When you say: yes, yes, yes. Do you mean that about others being heavily complimented if there is just three of you?
I do it ,but I now know it's the excitable part of panic, that's still something I don't fully understand,I thought excitement was happiness but it's a strange scientific word ,still can't picture molecules being excited or toxins being exito toxins.
Mine happens when an animal or creature does something!
Regarding compliments, when others are being excessive with praise it IS irritating. The flattery is just that, flattery. A disingenuous attempt to curry favor with another person. Otherwise known as a boot licker or brown noser.
Feeling irritated is just your b.s. alert system doing it's job.

On being fast, I used to get in trouble for being fast too. I have an ability to map systems and proceedures in my mind for uber efficiency. I look at these things like a big tetris puzzle and I find it fun to do and I am really good at it. But I have learned to take a back seat and let others figure things out, otherwise people feel "stepped on" I've been told.
Do l compliment? Well yes,because it's very NT to do so. Also it buys me time if l am having to construct some parallel thought about some type of ongoing situation usually taking place at work which has a big effect on all of us. It buys me time. But it does feel weird. I am not really fast, but l can organize quickly if l am motivated too. Like move quickly, or assess a ongoing situation and take correct action to prevent negligence. My employers usually love me for that.☺

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