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excessive sweating and over heating


New Member
Hi guys,

Having recently been diagnosed with autism, I am trying to make sense of everything and wondered if this is something anyone else can identify with.

I get really hyper-sensitive to heat and excessively sweat all over my body. My t-shirts can be left ringing with sweat and its always been so embarrassing. I am not particularly overweight and in reasonably good physical condition these days, but this has always been something I struggle with. When I sweat I go into a meltdown and my anxiety shoots through the roof and I think everyone is looking at me and judging me.

To be honest the sweating can even happen when it's cold. It's like my body gets confused with the temperature outside and just decides to throw out a load of sweat to make my day even worse!

Can anyone relate to this at all as unsure if this is something related to autism?

Thanks in advance
To be honest the sweating can even happen when its cold. Its like my body gets confused with the temperature outside and just decides to throw out a load of sweat to make my day even worse!
It probably has nothing to do with autism, plenty of people have this problem, especially men.

You can take medication for excessive seating. For me using antiperspirant on the back and chest has helped. While I don't feel as uncomfortable with the sensation of sweating, I can take 2 or 3 showers a day and still stink and it's embarrassing, because I sweat so much that my shirt is completely wet. It doesn't even have to be warm and I don't move.
This one:
It probably has nothing to do with autism, plenty of people have this problem, especially men.

You can take medication for excessive seating. For me using antiperspirant on the back and chest has helped. While I don't feel as uncomfortable with the sensation of sweating, I can take 2 or 3 showers a day and still stink and it's embarrassing, because I sweat so much that my shirt is completely wet. It doesn't even have to be warm and I don't move.
The two psychiatrists who did my ASD assessment both said excessive sweating could be a result of over heating due to hyper sensitivity to heat, but I have heard of hyperhidrosis! When I sweat it doesn't smell like body odour which is one benefit but like you my shirts can be ringing wet as if I have just stepped out of a shower.

I have tried anti-perspirant deodorants but nothing stops it. It's a vicious cycle because if I sweat I get over anxious, and if I get over anxious I start sweating excessively. No win situation haha
Then you can look into medication, ask your GP about it, or a dermatologist. I've been told by my doctor that if you have a wet shirt and you didn't engage in physical activity and it's cold and it makes you anxious/nervous/embarassed, it's medically excessive sweating and is a reason to take medication.

I was about to take medication, actually, but someone recommended me the antiperspirant (it doesn't leave an unpleasant layer and stains, so it can be comfortable used on the whole body) and it worked.
Then you can look into medication, ask your GP about it, or a dermatologist. I've been told by my doctor that if you have a wet shirt and you didn't engage in physical activity and it's cold and it makes you anxious/nervous/embarassed, it's medically excessive sweating and is a reason to take medication.

I was about to take medication, actually, but someone recommended me the antiperspirant (it doesn't leave an unpleasant layer and stains, so it can be comfortable used on the whole body) and it worked.
I will look into the best anti perspirant and give it a try. Would prefer not to take medication. I guess I was 'hoping' it may have been autism related to give me a reason for it happening for so long :grinning:
I saw it treated by a dermatologist who did injections in this ladies armpits. She could ring her shirt out it was so wet. I had a co-worker who had it in her hands. She had a difficult time being an assistant because her paperwork was always damp. I don't know if she ever had it treated.
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This probably isn't helpful, but I have the exact opposite problem. I'm always cold. My most comfortable temperature is 85F, but I am totally comfortable above 90F. Anything under 80 and I need a jacket. Been that way all my life. Even as a child cold temps (below 70F) paralyzed me.
This may not be relevant to you, but I thought I would mention it just in case. Some medications such as SSRIs (anti depressants) can cause excessive sweating/feeling hot. I didn't put 2 and 2 together myself until someone told me about this.

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