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Experience - New Feature

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Founder & Former Admin
V.I.P Member
Hey everyone,

We have added a new feature to Aspies Central in the hope that it will encourage activity. The new feature is called Experience and rewards all members for their activity throughout the forums. You can get points, achievements and awards for various things. To learn how you can gain points, click here. To see a list of available achievements, click here.

At the moment, awards and achievements gained from Experience are fairly basic. However, in the near future we may add rewards such as promotions to different user groups, free subscriptions, no adverts and the like. Awards, points and achievements that you have gained will display in your profile page under the experience tab. If you have any ideas, suggestions or feedback for this new feature then please leave it within this thread.
To my AS mind gaining 'points' is equal to being appreciated/judged by others. My literal mind doesn't allow for such a system. I'm wrong/bad or right/good regardless what others think of it. Positive/negative reenforcement annoys the heck out of me, they are the same thing and totally subjective.

I strongly support the idea, but perhaps it should be optional for the benefit of users like petrossa.
Thanks for the feedback. I can see your point about being judged but this system is purely for fun and only rewards those who participate in the forums. Members are not rewarded for being good/bad, they are rewarded for being active. A reputation system, like seen on most forums, would be more judgmental and elitist in my opinion - hence the reason we have decided against adding one.

I'm not sure if I can make it optional but I will look into it.
I can see the reason behind your initiative. That's not the problem. But (to me) any form of rewarding behavior implicitly states that other behavior is less worthy. That's all. Don't bother making it optional, i won't participate anyway, and why go through the effort for old cantankerous folk like me.:madM:

I'm sure there's many more who'll appreciate the positive reenforcement system then those who don't.
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