I love those things! Aww..That's surprising, I didn't know you had Mora knives in the US. Swedish steel. Mora is known for two things, those knives and these horses:
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I love those things! Aww..That's surprising, I didn't know you had Mora knives in the US. Swedish steel. Mora is known for two things, those knives and these horses:
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Yeah bro, it really is :[[ But yeah!!! I won't let em get to me!I am also “unapologetically me.” If people don’t like my true self, they’re not worth my time.
I have some friends that share interests, and some that don’t. So I completely understand the struggle of having friends who can’t relate to your interests. Some of my irl friends think my special interests are weird and cringey and they don’t care to hear about them at all.
At the end of the day, it’s important to do things you love because *you* enjoy them. Don’t let anyone tell you that your special interests are weird or dorky, and if they don’t care about them but expect you to care about theirs, that’s very unkind (and actually hypocritical.)
If you enjoy something, and it makes you happy, keep doing it for you![]()
Agreed. Aww, I would do that for my kid too ^^! I accept my Mum's infodumps because it shows that she loves and trusts me.Sometimes the only encouragement one receives is not to share because people just don't want to hear about it or others take offense, so the only recourse is silence. A sad reality, but it is a reality nonetheless.
Being one of those people who is never bored, yet people get frustrated with you for not talking, but the reason you don't talk is because people get upset with everything you say, think, and do because you aren't completely transparent and straightforward, in every aspect of one's communication. The conversation isn't scripted to their expectations.
People deride and reject you for trying to talk, but when the only dialect you know is infodump (the interconnectedness of context), some call it a wall of words, (one which realistically no one is going to read), it gets to be a losing battle.
The irony is is that the people deriding and trying to autocorrect you are the same people that expect awed validation for their own interests and conversation.
I'm not going to tell my six year old nephew to stop talking about his love of cars because it is topic that fascinates him and I usually learn something new from him simply because I chose to listen. His enthusiasm is boundless and his knowledge on the topic stunning. He's a smart kid.
I can appreciate shared infodumps. I almost always learn something. I've learned the hard way that I cannot share in a similar format, not even on the internet, (ironically enough).
The figurative phrasing is pebble sharing, (a trait often seen in young children and penguins).
I can only applaud those allowed to share.
Same!! I'm watching MLP seasons 7-9 now, catching up on all the new ones ^^ My least favourite episodes are sometimes Applejack related episodes.. There aren't many that I dislike though.MLP is a great show.kinda sad FiM ended and that a new generation has started though. I hope there’s potential with the new Mane Five
I love that one so much, "Too Many Pinkie Pies"! It's one of my favourites and it has a good message! Plus I kinda feel like Rainbow Dash in this one tbh, I just wanna chill , : ) )I vividly remember one MLP FiM episode from season three where pinkie pie clones herself so she can have as much fun as possible and not do anything else after stumbling upon a “moon pond”.
I love those things! Aww..
That cheers me up after my recent forum post <3Here's a whole stable of them. Swedish craftmanship.
I know right, G3 had mostly only girls and it's boring for me to watch, kinda! Although I do enjoy some of the movies and the different, older vibe. It was popular when I was a little toddler and before. Agreed with the Bratz and Barbie stuff, Bratz is VERY likeable because it seems to appeal to anyone no matter how old you are or gender.I’m also a My Little Pony fan but only for the animated shows and movies. I think I e figured out why My Little Pony Tales was just plain bad when compared to the first series and why G3 is the most divided generation among Bronies (I’m not counting the G5 controversy as this generation is still pretty new and could change for the better at any given time). Pony Tales was bad because there was no real diversity among the different types of Ponies and the boys were all jerks all the time with the exception of Lancer who was more of a follower and was generally nicer than the other boys. The only really good thing about the show is it had the very first instance of an Alicorn in the franchise and series as a whole. Seeing the Ponies using modern technology without any thumbs or hands was also interesting.
G3 MLP had some nice Pony designs but its biggest flaw was the absence of male characters. Seriously, Spike was literally the only male that generation that was a recurring and he looked awful! His colors were so gaudy and clashed with each other horribly. Fans sort of are divided when it comes to G4 Spike but at least his shade of purple coordinated nicely with the lime green portions of his body. Santa was the only other male in G3 and he was a one time character and human too! How could an entire society of Ponies be so numerous that there were at least three different locations with a large number of residents and no male Ponies at all? Did they reproduce by splitting themselves in two like amoebas? And it isn’t as if all the Ponies had names that equated to femininity either. There was a Pony named Teddy that was female and only called that because she played with a teddy bear. Teddy had to be a girl? Really? Other Ponies that could have been male given their names sounding like they could be for either gender are: Cloud Climber, Bow Tie, Desert Palm, Sand Dollar, Piccolo, Seaspray, Silver Glow, and Splish Splash. G3 was a bit too girly and definitely needed to balance out the girliness with some male characters. I’m not saying a show mostly aimed at girls can’t express femininity and has to have the Ponies beating each other up to make them tough and appeal to male viewers but there is only so many tea parties and dress up montages a person can take before it’s too much. Even Bratz didn’t focus on the feminine side exclusively and did other things that were gender neutral such as hanging out together at the mall or working on the next issue of their magazine while attending a concert. Even Barbie isn’t as in your face about being girly and her signature color is pink and there’s an entire line all about pretty princesses having tea parties and magical fairies. When you’re more girly than Barbie herself, you have a major problem.
G4 MLP was so successful because it found a nice balance for girls AND boys to enjoy the show. It had action sequences and adventures for male viewers who like that sort of thing but it also had episodes focusing on fashion and friendships which appealed to female viewers. The Mane Six all had character traits that fans could relate to easily and weren’t so girly. Rarity is a perfect example of this as yeah she was a fashionista and very feminine look wise but she was willing to get dirty when it was necessary and she would fight dangerous villains using her magic and make sure everyone else was safe first. Rainbow Dash was a huge tomboy but she still had a softer side to her and she cared about her friends. Big Mac was incredibly strong and masculine yet he cared about his family very much and looked out for his youngest sister to the point he even dressed in drag just so she could still be a part of the sisterhood competition. G3 MLP was missing that and it negatively affected the entire generation in the long run. The first MLP cartoon series had the Big Brother Ponies in a couple of episodes and there were several episodes that had Danny and Spike that explored their friendship and how they fit into the world of Ponyland.