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I've been struggling to find a way to express how I'm feeling when I'm angry or upset to my girlfriend that doesn't seem like I'm having a go at her and lead to arguing. A common issue would be something would cause me to me feel angry but she hasn't necessarily "done anything wrong" so I'll know that there isn't something I can point to which fully explains it and just not express it. She would then notice herself I'm angry and ask why and my reason wouldn't really be enough to justify being angry so she would say she doesn't agree with my position which would upset me more because I would feel invalidated. For me the only position I really have is that I feel angry but somewhere along the way it must sound like my position is she has done something wrong. An example would be if we had some sort of plan and she has made some sort of deviation to the plan which was by all accounts reasonable. I would feel angry and upset but I do understand that it's not a valid reason to be angry at someone. What I'm looking for is a way to get across that I'm feeling angry but I do understand that she hasn't gone out her way to upset me. I think once I start to explain how I'm feeling, the anger comes across and even though I'm saying I logically understand she's not trying to upset me the feelings I'm explaining are saying the opposite which still causes a defensive reaction from her to since she will naturally also respond to the feelings.