At the risk of starting another debate, beware of medications like this as they can also have unexpected long term side effects and no matter what they say they can be addictive too. I was given Seroxat (paroxetine) a number of years ago and it's now banned in some countries with various law suits in many others. This drug made me psychotic, it gave me confidence to do virtually anything without fear in a very dangerous way and it gave me violent thoughts, it totally changed me for the worse until I came off it, it made me a nasty person that I am just not (I could go into a lot of detail). It also gave me extreme violent nightmares where I would literally wake up fighting and punching. I'm one of the lucky ones as it's been associated with causing suicide and one person murdered his family while taking them (I don't know everything about the case, but the courts put it down to the drug as the cause). Okay Seroxat is one of the worst cases, but I've also been on other psychiatric drugs that have also caused other problems, I've now managed to wean myself off them (yes it was addictive both physically and mentally despite saying otherwise) and I feel better overall for it. In my opinion psychiatric drugs change people into something they are not, it's not really a fix, the most they can do is disguise, hide and block the problem without really dealing with it (E.g. it will still be there when you come off the drug, often worse still). It's much better dealing with the problem / issue properly in other ways while staying as yourself, but that's my opinion. Pharmaceutical companies make a fortune out of such drugs as in a busy world people want quick fixes while doctors and other medical experts haven't got the resources to deal with the problems properly, we however may be advanced with some treatments and medications, but we still have a massive amount to learn about how the brain works, not to mention our spiritual being that I believe many drugs can also inbalance.
PS: They tried to use drugs to calm down my brother with full autism, but they made him virtually like a "zombie", disinterested in anything and barely wanting to say anything, my parents who still care for him as an adult weaned him off them and we have my brother back as he really is. The issue has been dealt with in others way over time.