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Fake Charlatan Aspies

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What is Bramble?
When i first got diagnosed , i looked on youtube at aspies who were vlogging, There were many people, but only the younger and attractive ones were popular. The older ones who maybe weren't so concerned about their appearance or were visibly disabled hardly got any attention. I couldn't help wondering if this was a reflection on our looks and youth obsessed society.

I also noticed several "aspies" on You Tube ( particularly females) she were very popular lapping up attention, One in particular from Denmark, was a model, had a boyfriend , friends and a full social life, yes everything that an Aspie is supposed to struggle with.When I asked her how she managed she said she had learned through an intensive course how to socialize ! Many were goths, gender confused people and fans of vampire fiction like twilight.

Maybe its just me but i couldn't help feeling that Aspergers Syndrome is over diagnosed now and also wrongly diagnosed as a trendy tag and cop out for people who are simply goth types who don't want to deal with life.

I feel this needs to be exposed as these people are milking the cup of human kindness away from those who truly need help and are homeless because of their autism and lack of support. Let me know if you have had similar thoughts. It makes my blood boil knowing i and many older aspies have struggled through life with little to no support whilst charlaton attention seekers can hijack all the help , sympathy and attention to feed their own narcisism and ego. Let me know what you think.
I still don't even understand the concept. I mean, who would want to mimic being autistic who isn't autistic?

But then I can't process sarcasm well either....go figure. In my experience, I must say that the "attention" drawn is usually negative. I've never been able to grasp the notion that being an Aspie is "trendy" in any way. Oh yeah...I'm not really into trends either.
It's not gender confused, I am sure they are perfectly well aware of their gender.

So far the only Aspie vlogger I like is Amethyst. She spells it Amythest. "Ask an autistic".

Maybe the model you mention had some sort of adult version of ABA. Maybe she was misdiagnosed. Maybe she is doing it for PR. In any case, it might be good PR for us, as a demographic, because although it's unfair it's how people's minds work.
I still don't even understand the concept. I mean, who would want to mimic being autistic who isn't autistic?

But then I can't process sarcasm well either....go figure. In my experience, I must say that the "attention" drawn is usually negative. I've never been able to grasp the notion that being an Aspie is "trendy" in any way. Oh yeah...I'm not really into trends either.
Believe me some people have latched onto this just to fish for compliments and sympathy, take aloof on You Tube and decide for yourself...
Believe me some people have latched onto this just to fish for compliments and sympathy, take aloof on You Tube and decide for yourself...

Who wants to seek a compliment based on a false pretense? People can be soooo strange! But then that's what catfishing is all about I suppose. That I know well....and it's not good. I don't get it, but I sure know it happens.

I just don't see how one can fulfill their desires through what amounts as a delusion.
I also noticed several "aspies" on You Tube ( particularly females) she were very popular lapping up attention, One in particular from Denmark, was a model, had a boyfriend , friends and a full social life, yes everything that an Aspie is supposed to struggle with.When I asked her how she managed she said she had learned through an intensive course how to socialize!
I don't think it's fair to assume that she's not on the spectrum just because she's successful and has a boyfriend. I'm successful and have a boyfriend, too. Does that somehow render my diagnosis invalid?

Maybe its just me but i couldn't help feeling that Aspergers Syndrome is over diagnosed now and also wrongly diagnosed as a trendy tag and cop out for people who are simply goth types who don't want to deal with life.
I don't think any doctors worth their salt would intentionally "wrongly diagnose" anybody. It's true that there are a few miscreants on the Internet who abuse the existence of autism and other conditions to excuse their poor behavior, but they can be anybody, and personally, I don't think this is as frequent an occurrence as you fear it is. They're just another kind of Internet troll. (So give the goths a break.)
It's not gender confused, I am sure they are perfectly well aware of their gender.

So far the only Aspie vlogger I like is Amethyst. She spells it Amythest. "Ask an autistic".

Maybe the model you mention had some sort of adult version of ABA. Maybe she was misdiagnosed. Maybe she is doing it for PR. In any case, it might be good PR for us, as a demographic, because although it's unfair it's how people's minds work.
The model you refer to (danish) only replies to people who criticize her but ignores and lapps up all the compliments . Yes a misdiagnosis was made imho,it should have been narcissism. Meanwhile real aspies who don't like to draw attention to themselves suffer in silence.

These Fakes are a gross missreprisentation and exacerbating much needed help to genuine cases. But as in life the young and pretty get further ahead. Narcissists can delude themselves and others to obtain their much sought after narcissistic supply.
The model you refer to (danish) only replies to people who criticize her but ignores and laps up all the compliments . Yes a misdiagnosis was made imho,it should have been narcissism. Meanwhile real aspies who don't like to draw attention to themselves suffer in silence.
You're hardly in any position to determine what she's like---you only know the side of the world she shows to YouTube. For all you know, it could have taken lots and lots of work to build up the confidence to create videos. That's why I do livestreams elsewhere. I want to become more confident.
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