self-advocating autistic
I've been sick for the past week, and I've tried to get better. Maybe it's me being weird, but I'm a perfectionist/workaholic (I work at home and live with my grandmother), and I hate asking for help and/or making a big deal out of stupid things like being sick, because then people try to micromanage my life ten times more than usual.
The get together is here... It's in about 4 hours. I'm sporting a temperature that is the equivalent of 100.2F (98.2), as my average body temperature runs low. (For anyone who cares to argue: I was actually part of a study shortly after being diagnosed with the flu at only 98.1F.) I'm miserable...
I understand it's a Christmas thing and that the family should be together, but doesn't my health have any say?
I was greeted this morning with my grandmother saying, "[Name], are you okay? How are you feeling?" ... "Well, you need to brush your hair... or take a shower. Do both. Make yourself look better. People will be here soon today for our Christmas thing. Is that your medicine...? Put it up high and hide it in case kids wonder in here. Maybe clean up a little bit."
Whilst I'm not enjoying this being sick thing and am not one for revenge, if they get sick, it's not my fault...
I'm not extremely verbal, either. I don't talk just to talk. I don't argue my case that I'm sick. Maybe it's a vice, but I just don't...ever. It's all weird to me.
This, though, is a new thing. I understand it's the first Christmas since losing her husband/my grandfather, but a family member being sick should take precedence over a family get together tradition... we have babies here, AND I HAVE to go to my other grandmother's house next week sometime because I have some things I need to do there, and I just need to see them.
And also, 2 of the babies are my siblings. They will WANT me to hold them, etc.
I'm sick.
I can barely stand up without feeling nauseated.
I don't understand how taking a shower and making myself "look better" is supposed to make me feel better... Yes, I look like crap. WHY in the WORLD should I have to cover that up?! SO WHAT if they think I look bad? I'M SICK. And I don't care what people think when I'm sick.
I already risk my life every get together because, for some reason, people don't understand the death penalty NUTS have on me and bring them anyway. (Seriously, is one nut-free family get together too much to ask for?)
The get together is here... It's in about 4 hours. I'm sporting a temperature that is the equivalent of 100.2F (98.2), as my average body temperature runs low. (For anyone who cares to argue: I was actually part of a study shortly after being diagnosed with the flu at only 98.1F.) I'm miserable...
I understand it's a Christmas thing and that the family should be together, but doesn't my health have any say?
I was greeted this morning with my grandmother saying, "[Name], are you okay? How are you feeling?" ... "Well, you need to brush your hair... or take a shower. Do both. Make yourself look better. People will be here soon today for our Christmas thing. Is that your medicine...? Put it up high and hide it in case kids wonder in here. Maybe clean up a little bit."
Whilst I'm not enjoying this being sick thing and am not one for revenge, if they get sick, it's not my fault...
I'm not extremely verbal, either. I don't talk just to talk. I don't argue my case that I'm sick. Maybe it's a vice, but I just don't...ever. It's all weird to me.
This, though, is a new thing. I understand it's the first Christmas since losing her husband/my grandfather, but a family member being sick should take precedence over a family get together tradition... we have babies here, AND I HAVE to go to my other grandmother's house next week sometime because I have some things I need to do there, and I just need to see them.
And also, 2 of the babies are my siblings. They will WANT me to hold them, etc.
I'm sick.

I don't understand how taking a shower and making myself "look better" is supposed to make me feel better... Yes, I look like crap. WHY in the WORLD should I have to cover that up?! SO WHAT if they think I look bad? I'M SICK. And I don't care what people think when I'm sick.
I already risk my life every get together because, for some reason, people don't understand the death penalty NUTS have on me and bring them anyway. (Seriously, is one nut-free family get together too much to ask for?)