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Favourite shows.


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone what are your favourite shows you like to watch.

mine are a varied from comedy to drama's.

i love comedies such as Rick and Morty, Futurama.

i also really like shows like, Shameless, Gotham and Lost. :)
Lately I have been watching ALL of the DC comics shows (Flash, Legends, Arrow, Black Lightning), except Gotham, even when they're not good because I need to get the whole story! I also really enjoyed The Expanse (which pushed all my SF buttons). I did watch Futurama until I ran out of new eps to watch, & do watch Rick & Morty. Couple months ago I binge-watched all of The Venture Brothers, which is a fun show.
Now you ask
Its been a long time I didnt enjoy a "show" , last one was an anime few years ago does that count? But I have to say that iv always spent most of my free time on video games.

I got disapointed so much by Heroes and Lost I couldnt get past that , and in general any serie iv ever followed ended up being disapointing( didnt prevent me from enjoying some of them the time I could) , so...Id say the things closer to a show I look at the moment is pewdipie channel xDD ( is this guy a bit autistic btw? I mean he plays the weirdo role pretty well :D )
I watch Discovery channel shows quite often, depending on which one... One of my all-time favourites is World's Deadliest Catch, also Highway Thru Hell, plus other shows in the theme of documentary in general... Plus some History channel, except some of the really dumb shows they have...

I also enjoy watching some PBS shows (through a Spokane feed into western Canada), Antiques Roadshow, plus some of the British shows they bring in...
I've always followed various series. @Tomos , Lost and Shameless are two I like also.
Unfortunately I have found disappointment in a lot of series though as they either pull them
right in the middle leaving no endings to put it together or they have an ending that doesn't make
sense a lot of time.
I guess I would have to say my all time favourite series, and it has lasted a long time, is Criminal Minds.

I spend what little time I do watch TV though usually taking a break to watch History, Science or Discovery channels documentaries.
I prefer to watch well-made documentary series such as Horizon, but also enjoy some sci fi such as Star Trek and Doctor Who, and some comedy/drama shows such as Doc Martin or Auf Wiedersehen, Pet or Little Creatures Big and Small. I prefer vintage/older shows to many of the more recent ones.
I've been very much into game of thrones and stranger things. And I'm looking forward to castle rock.
I actually have started watching Sharp Objects on HBO, and I am pretty hooked on it.

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