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FE2LA On How Life Is, 2023 EditionPost ReplyNew Topic


Well-Known Member
Hey, all. Yeah, I am still around these forums. :)

But some of you are wondering "FE2LA, how is life for you?" For me, as of the time I am posting this, it is alright. Yes, I've had lot happen to me in the 10 years I've been here. I look back at quite a bit of my older posts, how unbalanced I was then, and realize - that version of me doesn't exist anymore. I'm now at peace with who I am, and I am proud to say I even have a darling! :)

I've had a lot of bad things happen to me, I've been slandered for various things, but at the end of the day, my mantra of "I will endure" will win out. Because it's what I want to do. I just wish, in a perfect world, that those who exercised poor judgment of my character would apologize to me, for not seeing the real me. There are dangers in seeing only one side of a story.

I still pride myself in being an eclectic guy in what I like. I feel like that's my biggest and best quality. Once again, and I've said this before, and I'll say it again: Even in these tense times, I will NEVER, EVER, be cynical. I will be just my good ol' positive self, because the world could use a lot more of that right now. I'm always good at finding the good aspects of life and I encourage others to do the same.

Well, that's all from me here. Don't worry, I'll always be around if you want to talk to me. :)
Hi @FromEquestria2LA. Today I am feeling quite positive about things. Passed the 1 year mark for my open heart surgery and feeling quite good. For the past couple of weeks I have been triggered for PTSD that threatened the relationship with my spouse, but with a little discipline I have throttled it. I am once again happy and confident and enjoy cuddling with my spouse since her return from helping her sister. I am eager to be intimate with her. So, life is good.
Thank you for posting this. I'm so glad for you, and I really needed to hear this right now. I'm newly diagnosed and going through a particularly rough patch. Also, I find when I'm surrounded by negativity, like I am in my household, I tend to absorb it like a sponge and "mimic" that behavior. It backfires on me every time. So trying to be my own person, find my "why" for pushing through struggles in hopes of getting to better times ahead, can be hard to navigate. I appreciate the "it gets better" lens you've shown here today.

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