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Fear of lightning/thunder: Is this common amongst aspies?

As a kid I found it scary, but now I love it - provided I'm somewhere safe... I love watching storms from my car. :)
I've always loved storms. Raging ones in France in the summer and then little pitiful ones in England.
In Croatia this summer there was a real one- all night, fantastic!
I suspect Enid Blyton had a good deal to do with that...
I'm scared of thunder and lightning. I don't mind it so much when the storm is far away, but when it's close and severe I panic inside, though I try to hide it if people are around. One thing's for sure: If it's lightning outside, there's no way I'm stepping outside.

Do you know if this is common amongst aspies? I've never bothered to ask this question before, but I sometimes assume that my Asperger's is what makes me fearful of thunder storms.

I hate the loud noise. I have noise sensitivity issues and that makes them munbearable at times. But I'm not really scared of the storm, it's the noise that hurts :)

i don't really like how sudden the noise is, and i get a little edgy and anxious during storms cause my mom is scared of them and it kind of effects me
They have always been my fear ever since but ive gotten a lot more better at handling it now than I used to thats for sure.
I think its common with a lot of people, not just people with apsergers.
Like when it brings cooling after a long period of heat.
Hate it when it happens too often (like this year) and disturbs me from outdoor activities.
I was terrified of sudden loud noises as a kid, so thunderstorms caused me quite a few problems. I still don't like them, they make me feel very uneasy.
I adore lightening and thunder. Adore. I live in Oregon, however, and we rarely have either here. My sister lives in Oklahoma, and I’m openly and hostilely jealous of their thunderstorms and tornadoes. I would happily welcome either where I live. So no, I don’t think your aversion to lightening/thunder is an autism thing per se.
I almost never have tornadoes, but thunderstorms happen often in spring and summer (sometimes even few times a week) and rarely, but can happen in winter. They are sometimes followed by strong wind and hail.

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