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Fear of poisons


Well-Known Member
Does anyone else have the fear of anything once it reads "toxic substance"? Since I was a child I've straight up thrown objects away if they claimed to be even a little bit harmful, even if they were special items. Even when my parents would tell me "it won't end up being eaten" I'd still panic even looking at the stupid thing until it was gone.

I still have that grave concern that somehow the toxic elements will end up harming or killing someone, even if they are locked down or hidden. As an adult I have needed to use harmful substances but it still keeps me awake sometimes with the idea that it'll end up in someone's cup of tea...
Well, it is not entirely unfounded to fear the toxic, since too much will hurt or kill. Where you get into difficulty is when you are afraid of cleaners and things stored in a locked cabinet, if someone really wants to put them in someones tea they will bring their own anyway. Would it help you to look up each thing you have to use or keep around and find out just how much it takes to do harm or worse? A lot of the things with warning labels require gross abuse to get into serious danger with.
I have been exposed to very toxic chemicals my entire life
They are all going to have to take turns trying to kill me :p
I hope they are patient with me not responding to their wishes :D
Thankfully alot of times toxic chemicals can be replaced with none toxic alternative. Vinegar for example can be used to clean things and kill bacteria. I buy method dish soap, since it's the least toxic dish soap on the market. You can in a lot of cases use none toxic, or less toxic alternatives. Usually your only hurtle will be paying more money. Oh, I also use deodorant, that does not contain "fragrance". Fragrance listed as an ingredient most of the time denotes a numerous number of ingredients that are petroleum based. Keep in mind the FDA does not regulate cosmetics like they do food, so there are so many carcinogenic and neurotoxic ingredients that can be present in cosmetic products. I don't mean to scare you, just to keep you informed.

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