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Well-Known Member
Hi all,

This morning before going to work, I had this very minor situation that made me wonder if other aspies were experiencing the same.

I put on my shirt and while i was buttoning it, I heard a little "scritchscritch" noise ... My first thought was that a little animal or a "monster" was in the room next to me ... it got me anxious ... and realized that it was just the label/tag inside my shirt that was rubbing on my belt.

Okay, this is a very simple example. But I'm always like that. I'm scared of everything for no reason. When I was kid, I always slept under my blanket, head included, because I was constantly in fear of the dark and all the monsters that were surrounding me. I was terrorized. Then when I was teenager, it wasn't much better ... Then in my 20s, I had enormous anxiety problems ... then a few panic attacks.

Today, at 36yo, the fears are still very present, but I control myself pretty well most of the time. But still ... I fear everything all the time like a traumatized cat. It's causing a lot of stress and anxiety regularly. When I go to bed, i turn off the light ... and I hurry up to climb on my bed cause I fear something would grab my feet. The more tired I am, the worse it is.

So what is your experience with that?

And do you think it might be aspie related? I'm very sensitive to noise. Why are the irrational thoughts/imagination come up before the obvious? Is it possible that my fear of the dark and monsters traumatized me as a child? My parents weren't the kind that I could go see in the middle of the night to be protected from the monsters so I had no other protection than hiding under my blankets with my stuffed animal.
I have a fear of needles the last time I had to have one jabbed in my arm I nearly passed out.....
I'm not that paranoid when it comes to the dark and noises. For some reason I have a good memory (for lack of a better word) to put sounds in perspective.

And since I pretty much live in the dark (I'm kinda nocturnal and have some sensitivity issues with lights) I think I've shed this notion of fear in darkness off years ago.

As for other fears... I don't know. There's a few situations I could think of that would be less pleasant, but I don't know if it's fear or just that I have no interest to end up places that are not comfortable, lol. Seems more of a common sense thing I guess.

Over years I could have either raging hatreds or fears for a few things that happened in my life, but for some reason that doesn't really make an impact on me either.
I have a fear of needles the last time I had to have one jabbed in my arm I nearly passed out.....

I had the same experience and as I passed out they just kept going. Then as I tried to get to the bathroom I dropped and she had to catch me. All while my 3 yr old sat in her stroller and I had no control over my situation so she sat by the chair and needles because they were too dumb to move her. Fricken rookie idiots.
My fear may sound girly and common but spiders and now these disgusting flying beetles we get. And when I say fear I mean legit, intense phobia. I break out into tears if I run into one and check my bathroom every time I go in it. Every. Time. And I don't like laying on my floor just in case one comes by. I don't like writing the word. I can't step on them for fear they will get on my foot and climb up. People are like they aren't going to kill you with poison. That's not my fear! My fear is them getting on me or finding one at all! I have nightmares several times a month and remember a few as far back as high school. Omg I'm getting the willies.

My second other than of course death and something seriously bad happening to my kids and family which I have visions of EVERY NIGHT before sleeping is the dark. I hate it. My husband will turn off all the nights and crawl around and I just sit down almost laughing nervously and telling at him to stop. I have to walk sideways up the stairs after I turn off the downstairs lights so I can see up and down the stairs. I just get this anxious feeling in my body and up my back.

Anyway rant over. I have GAD so I obviously deal with fear everyday in many situations.

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