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Feeling out of place


Well-Known Member
Sometimes I feel out of place how the conversation is going for example talking about shows like ashes to ashes or life on Mars.
Like Mark Corrigan talks about units of measurement on the show Peep show.
I don't keep up with celebrity shows. But for music I'll go to Pitchfork or Lollalapalooza to see what's up.I was at Lou Reed's last performance at Lollapalooza. He laid down riffs that lost half of the audience with the other half, like me, just groovin'. Plus on the next stage after Reed's performance the Decemberists were going to be doing The Hazards of Love.
I don't keep up with celebrity shows. But for music I'll go to Pitchfork or Lollalapalooza to see what's up.I was at Lou Reed's last performance at Lollapalooza. He laid down riffs that lost half of the audience with the other half, like me, just groovin'. Plus on the next stage after Reed's performance the Decemberists were going to be doing The Hazards of Love.

Officially jealous - never got to see Lou Reed live! ;) But it makes me feel good that you did, and appreciated it! :)
Sometimes I feel out of place how the conversation is going for example talking about shows like ashes to ashes or life on Mars.
Like Mark Corrigan talks about units of measurement on the show Peep show.

Yeah I mean an older show and not a current show or one that is popular at the moment.
I've just been watching Dead Pixels on All4. I recommend this show. I am on the first episode of season 1 but already there is comedy and one character is socially akward and another character feels inadequate sometimes. I look forward to watching the rest of the season and then moving onto season 2.

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